Wow, it’s January 2013 already! How does everyone feel about that? Has the year kicked off to a great start? Have you had time to sit down and really reflect on the lessons learned and the goals achieved in 2012? And even more importantly, what you’d like to achieve in 2013…your New Year’s resolutions? If you missed it, check out my post on my thoughts on goal setting here.
For me personally, the last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of work, family time, social engagements, festivals, dinners, a girls weekend away, a date…or two! 🙂

It’s been a bit hectic, as I’m sure it’s been for most of you this time of year! I chose to continue to train people as quite a few of my clients were still in town, and I knew I’d be quieter than usual so was happy to work through the holiday season at a slower pace…but my social life was definitely at a faster pace which has left me feeling a bit exhausted and not quite where I wanted to be at this point of the new year.
Have I enjoyed myself? You betcha! I may have burned the candle at both ends, but I told myself that I needed to have more fun and spice it up a bit for the summer! So I gave myself permission to party…to drink a bit more frequently than usual, stay up late, eat bloating inducing food (tummy not happy Jan), not train as much, eat out more, go out on dates (I’m definitely not a ‘serial dater’, in fact I rarely go out on dates, hence why one of my goals for this year is to date more!). It’s been loads of fun…a great start to what’s going to be a fantastic summer and year! 🙂

However, I’m ready to knuckle down now and map out my goals for 2013 and get this year cracking…and do a mini detox! I already know what my BIG goals are for this year, but it’s much more effective and motivating to put words to paper and map it all out! This is how I intend on doing it this year…
Leonie Dawson’s Incredible Life And Business Workbooks And Calendars
Leonie is a gorgeous, inspiring and creative business mentor to women who has come into my radar recently! Leonie’s 2013 Create Your Incredible Year workbook, planner & calendar is an incredibly popular & useful tool to help you plan out & make happen your most incredible year in life or busines (or both!). Over the last four years, thousands of women have used this workbook with the most amazing results. It’s the best planning tool available to help you make your year your most exceptional yet!
Used by entrepreneurs, artists, mamas, creatives, coaches, teachers and women of all ages, the Creating Your Incredible Year workbooks are filled with dozens of pages of powerful worksheets & a printable calendar to help you create your amazing new year. I’m starting with the biz workbook first, then will fill out the life one. I’ve already been to Officeworks to print out the vibrantly colourful worksheets and calendar, and have put them in a folder all ready for when I put pen to paper this weekend! I’m excited!
I think…no, I know, that once I’ve mapped put my dreams, goals and ambitions for this year, I’ll have clarity, direction and focus, and I’ll be raring to go!
I’ll be updating you all once I’ve completed filling out what could quite possibly be the most action-focused, motivating tool I’ve come across…and it cost me less than 20 bucks! I can already tell from having a read over what I’m going to be working on, that Leonie’s creation is going to be a winner for me…I’ve read numerous testimonials including one from my good friend, Kat Loterzo from Women Incredible, who uses this workbook as well and raves about it!
I’m looking forward to letting my dreams and ambitions run wild this weekend as I design what I intend on being my most successful year so far!
Stay tuned 🙂

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