
7 Ways To Create Self-Care Into Your Life

You know, self-care is one of those things (like self-love) that often gets thrown around like a hot potato – it touches your thoughts briefly before being tossed away into the I’ll-do-something-about-it-later volt. Are you nodding your noggin in agreeance? It’s a bit of a conundrum, isn’t it? Pushing something aside that you know will be […]

Why You Must Love Yourself First

You’ve probably heard that you must love yourself first before calling in love from another, but have you ever really taken this on board and applied it to your life? The reason you must love yourself first is simple – the partner you attract will be a reflection of you. We attract people into our […]

How To Live Your Loves And Enjoy Life!

Guest Post I have been on quite a few trips over the last year and it always makes me realise once more that travel, exploring and having fun in foreign places is what I love doing (one of many things I love doing I should say). Yes it costs money, so what? Yes it takes […]

Do You Play And Rest Enough?

What would you think if I said that inviting more play and rest into our lives and without feeling guilty about it, was one of the major keys to wholehearted living? Brené Brown (author of The Gifts of Imperfection) describes wholeheartedness as living and loving with our whole hearts and engaging in our lives from a […]

7 Ways To De-Stress And Flow More

stressed out woman

Stress – what a little bugger it can be! On one hand its necessary for getting your butt into gear, but on the other hand if it becomes a regular occurrence and leads to bouts of anxiety, insomnia, depression, isolation, digestive issues or illness – well, that’s your beautiful body sending you strong signs that […]

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