5 Tell-Tale Signs You’re Dating THE RIGHT Man

loving couple

I know you’ve been there – those times in your life when you’ve dated someone through infatuated-goggle-eyes. You (deep down) know he’s not the right man for you but you’re too caught up in the lust and attraction to look beyond it and into the things that truly count for a successful relationship.

Your friends try to subtly tell you he’s not right for you, but it’s only after it’s ended that you agree they were right. And then you ask yourself…

Why do I keep attracting the wrong guy?

There’s a few reasons why you may be stuck in the same pattern, the main one being there’s some lesson you need to learn that you haven’t yet, but one things for sure – if you don’t feel every one of these 5 signs below – he’s definitely NOT the right man for you!

Here are my 5 tell-tale signs you’re dating THE RIGHT man.

1. You feel safe with him. He makes you feel protected in his strong, masculine essence and you let him take on that role with ease. You love how feminine you feel when you are with him.

2. You trust him. You intuitively know he’s not going to run off with someone else. He’s a good man and you trust his feelings for you are genuine. You never get anxious when he’s out ‘with the boys’. You don’t text or call him as he keeps you in the loop and lets you know when he’ll be home.

3. He’s your best friend. You tell each other everything. He’s your confidant, your biggest fan and you enjoy being in his company more than anyone else.

4. He makes you laugh. Not a day goes by when he doesn’t bring a smile to your face. He often has you in stitches and he brings out the playful side in you.

5. You can be yourself. You NEVER feel like you need to be anyone but you. You don’t feel insecure, shy, embarrassed – you are just you and that is perfect for him.

Over to you, lovely. I’d love to know if this post resonated with you. And if you’re in a loving, successful relationship, I’d love to know if you agree with these signs. Leave your comments below!


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