Guest Post
I have been on quite a few trips over the last year and it always makes me realise once more that travel, exploring and having fun in foreign places is what I love doing (one of many things I love doing I should say).
Yes it costs money, so what? Yes it takes some organising, who cares? In return I receive so much fulfilment, cultural connection, inspiration and a happy heart. The goodness far outweighs the investment. This has been on my mind lately as my last travel adventure was back in December and I am thrilled I’m hopping on a plane again next month (Guatemala calling!).
Life is so much easier when you’re doing what you love. And I’m not only talking about travel because it’s often easy to have fun when you can leave your day to day worries behind you. I actually mean in general. Doing what you truly love doing makes life easier. Simply because it costs so much less effort and energy to do ‘it’. And ‘it’ can be anything.
The other things I adore doing are working on my coaching business and writing meaningful, authentic blog post for my readers. Connection is another big LOVE of mine. Connection is what makes me thrive. I believe you can only truly connect with someone if you show up authentically and allow space for the other person to do the same. I’m so incredibly grateful for all the wonderful new connections I have made over the last few months, as well as for my beyond amazing group of friends.
What do you love?
What you love doing is immensely personal, which makes it uniquely you. Because of that I believe it’s important to honour this and spend time emerging in your special thing. It feeds your heart and soul. Gives energy, happy endorphins. Makes you smile. Gives you contentment. Fulfilment. What you focus your attention on grows, so be prepared to attract more of this sweet stuff once you start putting it out there.
Doing what you love doesn’t necessarily have to be turned into your way of making a living (however if you can, I am so happy and excited for you). I feel for a while now, there’s a big ‘trend’ going on to follow your bliss and create your own passion driven business. A movement to find a different kind of fulfilment. As much as I think this is the way to go, I completely understand this might be too much to grasp for many of us. It might seem like ‘not an option’.
However doing what you love doing can also be on a smaller scale. It’s about paying attention to what really matters to you and giving it time in your daily life. Even the smallest dose of what makes your heart light up and sing can make the biggest change to your happiness and mindset. It’s all about feeling good.
These easy steps will help you do exactly that:
1. Get clear on 3-5 things that you really love doing. The stuff that gives you the kid-in-a-candy-shop kinda excitement.
2. Pick the one thing that is jumping out for you right now.
3. Set aside 30 minutes a day to devote to this one thing. And do this for a week to start with. How do you feel? Smiles guaranteed.
And remember, what you love doing is personal and can be anything. It can be a walk in the park, connecting with nature. Singing when no-one is listening. Practising your dance moves. Discovering the latest fashion trends. Having a glass of wine by yourself in silence. Photography. Writing poems. Cupcake baking. Reading a book. Writing a book. Doesn’t matter how big, small or crazy you think it is. It’s your thing, beautiful. Own it. Go live your loves.
This gorgeous guest post was written by the lovely Nikki de Vet. How about leaving Nikki some lovin’ in the comments below.
Nikki de Vet is a passionate life coach helping other women choose their own adventure by manifesting confidence, abundance and living with purpose. Her wish is for as many ladies as possible to be delighted with life. She’s the creator of where she writes about her personal experiences in her quest for freedom, making a difference and starting out as coach. She’s a lover of cheese, the great outdoors and you can wake her up for an adventure anytime. Follow Nikki on Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest

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