I really enjoyed writing this post and sharing some bit and bobs about myself that you may not have known about me. As I was writing it, I was thinking that everyone has a story to tell. Life is so interesting and we all have so many experiences – good and bad – to write about.
Here’s some of mine…
1. When I was 18 months old I had meningitis…
When I was in intensive care, the doctors told my parents that if I didn’t die, I’d have severe brain damage. Several times throughout the day, my Mum would freshly squeeze orange juice for me and do reiki over my head, drawing out the heat. To this day, I believe my mama bear healed me.
2. My parents divorced when I was 5 years old…
It was tough growing up in a broken family, dealing with step parents and step siblings and splitting Christmas Day. My parents are no longer in marriages and for the last 10 years, we’ve spent most Christmas’s together as a family which is nice considering they’re not on the greatest terms. I love that my fiance’s parents have been married for almost 50 years! Such a contrast and so beautiful.
3.When I was 18 years old, I went on my first overseas trip on my own…
It was to Singapore and I went there to work as a model with the goal of getting magazine work to build my portfolio and begin a career in Australia. I did an editorial spread for Cleo Magazine and was booked to do a second one which was shooting in Hawaii!! I couldn’t believe my luck and told all my family and a few close friends. Then, 9 days before we were all due to fly out, an American model came into town and the magazine decided to use her instead. That was my first taste of how cut-throat the industry is. I was devo.
4. I’m the youngest of 4 children…
My eldest sister is 9 years older, then there’s the twins in the middle who are 4 years older than me. I also have cousins who are twins. I’m secretly hoping I have twins as I’d love to have 3 children, but considering I’m 36 next year, I’m not sure if that will happen. Hopefully the Universe is hearing me!
5. When I was a young kid, I was incredibly shy…
But acting brought me out of my shell and I loved it. In my early twenties something happened and I started to become very self-conscious, particularly in auditions (I think it stemmed from modelling and all the rejection). I also became a severe blusher! It has taken me years to grow out of this.
6. My greatest passion is travelling. I love, love, love it!
My dream is to one day own a house in the South of France and live there at least 3 months of each year (june-aug of course). We’d do weekend trips to other countries and become fluent in French…and Bordeaux wine!
7. A few weeks ago I posted on Facebook that I’d finished writing my free eBook…
I lied – not on purpose though! I honestly did think I had finished it, but then decided I wanted to add even more value, so have been writing more content. I aim to have it completed in 7-10 days. It’s called ‘Falling In Love Again: a toolkit for transforming you, your life and relationships’. You’re going to love it. It will be released in the first two weeks of January along with my new website. Can’t wait to share it with you all (if you’re a subscriber, you’ll receive it in your inbox a couple of days before it goes live)!
8. I’ve only ever broken one bone in my body – my second last toe…
I stubbed it in the middle of the night as I was going to the bathroom and it happened one day before I was due to fly out to the Philippines for a photo shoot for AVON. Since I was going to be flying, the doctor put my foot in a cast….and yep, I got wheeled through the airport and onto the plane, haha. I pretended I broke my ankle for dramatic effect. When I arrived, my booker looked shocked. I don’t think she understood exactly what I meant when I said I’d be arriving with a cast on my foot! Needless to say, my feet were cropped out of each shot.
9. I hope to be a best-selling author one day…
I plan on writing a book about love, sex and relationships, directed at single ladies searching for their soul-mate. The book will largely be about my personal experience.
10. My fiance and I plan on having a baby before marriage…
Unless we decide to elope in the meantime and have a proper wedding down the track! Hmm…that’s not a bad idea.
5 more fun facts about me:
- I get bored very easily and LOVE change. I’m such a Gemini!
- 5 years ago on a weekend girls trip to the Gold Coast, we all decided to get a nipple pierced. I’m not sure why. I was went first. It bloody hurt. I no longer have it
- I’m petrified of big waves (but I adore the ocean)
- I have a black beauty spot right smack bang in the middle of my top lip…every so often someone mistakes it for pepper
- I often ponder big questions, such as how the hell did we get here on Earth?! Mind boggling.
What about you honey? What’s something I might not know about you? Leave a comment below…I’d love to get to know you better.

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