8 Things I’m Really Craving Right Now!

1. Going on a holiday!Β  I have just booked a short trip to Bali for 5 nights in June! I’m going for a little getaway and to witness the vow renewals of my very good friends, Yvette Gray and Jeremy Thomas :-). It also happens to be my birthday whilst I’m there, on the 21st (in case you happen to be in Bali then and would like to join me for a fun night out!), so a B-Day celebration will also be on the cards!

My last trip to Bali…at Ku de Ta πŸ™‚

I’m very happy with going to Bali, but what I’m realllly craving is a trip to Europe! This WILL HAPPEN next year!!!!

2. Living on my own. Oh man, how I am craving living on my own soooo badly! Some of you may know that for the past year since I moved back to Perth, I have been living with family. This was only meant to be for a few months but 3 months after I arrived my darling sister had a terrible, life-changing accident. My family and I decided to move into a bigger house together (a very lovely place in a great area, which I have enjoyed) for support.


We all know how difficult it is to live with family! For the most part, it has been great. However, I am at the point where I may throttle my brother, so it’s best I move out soon to save our relationship! πŸ˜‰

I’m also a very independent person, and have never been one of those people that needs to have company around me all the time. In fact, I really crave personal space. I also feel like a few areas of my life will fall into place once I’m living in my own place. I need to nest.

It’s funny how the Universe works sometimes! The law of attraction really does work! Moving out in August has been on my mind for a few weeks now. I just happened to mention it to one of my lovely clients last week, and you won’t believe what she said! She lives in a gorgeous, split level 1 bedroom apartment with high ceilings and two balconies in a suburb called Subiaco…which is where I work! She owns this apartment but after living there for 5 years, has decided to move into a bigger home….in August!!!! I am going to view her place this weekend and have a gut feeling it is going to be PERFECT!

3. Owning a vitamix! I am very envious of all you Vitamix and Thermomix owners out there! Lol. I LOVE my smoothies, and my trusty Breville has been doing the job, but I’m ready for something else that’s going to take my smoothies to another level! Are you an owner of a powerful, Rolls-Royce blender? Go on, tell me how good it is πŸ™‚

4. The launch of my new biz, Model Shoot Project! I can’t even begin to explain how fricken excited I am about my new venture!!! I haven’t been this driven and happy about starting something since I launched my blog! It’s a wonderful feeling.

I’m excited as I know I am going to help so many women (and eventually men!) through my project. The experience women are going to get from this goes far beyond the shoot itself…which will be amazing by the way! I don’t want to give too much away before the official launch, but let me just say you’re going to LOVE it!!!!

5. Going on a massive spending spree to update my wardrobe! Wouldn’t it be nice to just go and blow a couple of grand on some new clothes, shoes and accessories guilt and worry free?! That’s what I’m craving for myself right now…and I’m going to make it happen! Whilst I always have a few pieces of clothing I feel really good and confident in, my wardrobe as a whole is looking a little tired. Time to upgrade!

6. Autumn! Perth has had the longest, warmest summer! It has spilled over into April, taking over Autumn with days going well into the 30 degrees! As much as I adore summer (my favourite season), I am getting slightly over this glorious weather! ;-). A welcomed change of season and wardrobe would be lovely. And Perth really needs some rain!


7. Yoga and meditation. I’m disappointed to say I have only practiced yoga 4 times this year and have only meditated twice :-(. A big part of this, not to make excuses, is due to not having my mornings free. Being a personal trainer, it is not unusual for me to be up at 5.15am! The mornings are most definitely my preference for meditating. It clears my mind and gets my day off to an enriching start. Yoga I can definitely make more of an effort to fit into my schedule. Even if it means doing some evening classes. The classes I really like doing are around 9am, but I’m often training someone then. I will work it out though, as my body and mind are craving these two things badly!

8.Β A meaningful relationship. I think the Universe it trying to tell me something, as I am still single. I keep coming back to the fact that I’m perhaps meant to be on my own right now. I have a lot going on in my life – personally and professionally, so maybe it just isn’t the right time, even though every cell in my body is craving to be with someone. And not just anyone. I’m craving a soul-mate, a best friend, a companion and a lover. I’ve written about why love is important to me here and relationships here and here. I truly do believe once I move into my own place, this may be one of the areas of my life that will fall into place. A few of my biz ventures will be well and truly up and running by then too….timing is everything. Agreed?

Over to you now! What are some things you’re really craving right now? Leave a comment below…it feels good to share πŸ™‚

Liz xx

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  1. says

    I know right?
    I can identify with points 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Just the Thermomix I’m not fussed about. I’m looking forward to the Perth Autumn days, but maybe not the grey skies.

  2. Claire says

    I was lucky enough to get a vitamix for Easter – it is an AMAZING investment in your health!!! They are so powerful! Do it πŸ™‚

  3. Hoi Yan says

    Liz! What a lovely post. Until now, I have never read anything that made me feel like they would understand my decision to move back home.

    I started the divorce process in December, and decided to move home to my parents ( with my kid in tow) for moral support. I still pay for an empty house for now, but nothing can replace the unconditional support you get from family.

    Having said that there has been times when I but heads with family members.

    Last week I put on my calendar (6 months out) to MOVE OUT!!! Yes, putting that out into the universe.

    Sending you much love and good energy.

    Thank you so much for sharing details about your life.

    • says

      Hi Hoi! Thank you so much for your comment. Putting your move out date in your calendar is a great idea! I’d also recommend making a vision board :-). All the very best xx

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