Jamie has a passion for life and living it without the boundaries so many of us come to experience. He likes to see the possibilities and go for them and awaken others to their infinite self by following what they feel moved to do and the person they wish to be regardless of circumstances. Jamie supports people in getting themselves out the way, letting go of fear and living their ultimate lives by living from their hearts.
Connect with Jamie! Check out his website, instagram, facebook and send him a tweet 🙂
Tell us three things about yourself
- My passion in life is supporting people to embark on their own journey home to their true selves, to live a life they love and simply be themselves. I believe we are all free. But, somewhere along the way, we forgot and thought life was about making choices to become free.
- I love the beach! Most mornings you will find me down at Bondi, catching the rising sun and having a quick swim before I start my day.
- I do only what I love each day. If something feels like a push or forced, I’m happy to let it be.
What’s been the biggest health challenge you’ve overcome and what did you learn from this experience?
There was a point in my life where I used to go out a lot. Part of that lifestyle entailed the recreational use of drugs. For a while, I thought it was just normal because I was fitting in with the crowd and wanted to be accepted. My mind said: “Well, everyone else is doing it and living their life, so it’s fine.”
Eventually though, it started to numb me from feeling life itself. My body started to suffer as I was putting it through stress and not respecting myself. My relationships had become shallow, a reflection of the depth I was not willing to go to within myself.
To overcome it, I first had to recognize all this and be strong enough to know I was worth more. I had to start to take time to nourish my mind, body, and soul. At first, it got very lonely because I started spending time with myself again to reconnect. I started eating healthier and looking deeper within myself. I allowed the pain I had been avoiding to come up and be felt rather than using it to support escaping through partying.
As I stopped following this self-defeating lifestyle, I started to feel natural highs and an awareness I had forgotten about. My body and health felt more alive than ever before and I felt more connected to life than ever.
My biggest learning from the experience was that everything I had been trying to avoid by escaping through drugs and partying was actually the door to finding my own bliss. So, whenever something comes up in my life which I have a charge with, I embrace it. I now realize it’s just a part of me I haven’t yet loved.
What’s your top tip for getting your day off to a great start?
Wake up early! There is something about rising with the sun that just puts me in such a great mood. I feel energized and excited. Also, just having the extra couple of hours to be with yourself and connect can really bring such a lovely space into your day—no matter what you have going on.
Your brekky usually consists of…
I love making myself a super smoothie in the morning! Here is one of my favourites:
– Four eggs
– Coconut water
– Sun Warrior protein
– Frozen mixed berries
– Frozen banana
– Flaxseed oil
– Cocoa
– Aloe Vera
– Chia seeds
– Raw honey
– Vital greens
Which foods do you eat to nourish your body and give you vitality?
I love anything that is fresh and alive. I’m also a big meat eater. But, I like to eat only meat that is grass feed and finished, organic, and from a farm that my butcher knows.
Why is fitness an important part of your life and do you have an exercise routine?
Moving is something I love doing. Every day, I will do something that involves moving my body. When I work out, I really enjoy giving it everything I have and being fully immersed in the exercise. I have a holistic gym that I go to three times a week. I also love running soft sand laps of Bondi Beach. I don’t really think of my exercise as routine. For me, it is something that I really enjoy. So, I just follow the feeling of what I like doing. If that involves three visits to the gym and running, then that’s what I do.
Fitness is more a way of life. It’s not something I do to achieve results or desired outcomes. Exercise just leaves me feeling alive. Anything that supports me feeling like this I enjoy. If I just felt that going for a simple walk today was my exercise, then that’s fine by me.
Your ‘perfect day’ in a nutshell would be…
My perfect day would consist of: Watching the sunrise from the sands of Bondi Beach before enjoying some exercise; eating wholesome yummy food; spending time with my clients throughout the day to support them along their path, and feeling the joy I get as they break free of their limitations; writing for my blog and connecting with other like-minded people across the world; catching up with friends; surfing some great waves before coming home to share my day with someone special over a beautiful romantic dinner; retiring to sleep knowing that, on this day, I lived it fully and didn’t give into anything that held me back from expressing who I truly am.
Describe what motivated you to choose your current business or career path?
I honestly don’t think I could tell you what motivated me. What I do today was something that I feel found me. I simply had to get myself out of the way by letting go of things I thought I had to, or needed to do as a business or career. Once I went through that, I found myself writing, mentoring, and speaking. This was something I never thought I would be doing.
As I continue to show up by following the love I have for who I am being whilst doing what I do now, great things just seem to unfold. It was crazy at first. But, now I just expect it.
What business or career challenge have you overcome and what one piece of advice would you like to pass on to others?
I suppose the biggest thing I had to overcome was believing. I knew that what I do now was something I loved. But at the same time, it scared the hell out of me at first because I didn’t know how it would work. I couldn’t see ten steps ahead of what I felt to do in the moment. That freaked out a part of me. The best thing I did was then just bring my attention back into this moment and just acknowledge that what I felt in this moment was all I had to be with. The more I trusted myself, the more life started to support me. What lay ahead wasn’t so important anymore.
Your favourite book or movie of all time is? And why?
This would have to be Eckhart Tolle’s, The Power of Now. This book really led me to the door of realizing who I truly am by opening me up to what presence and living in the present moment was all about.
And lastly, do you have a recipe you’d like to share with us?
If you are looking to make a delicious meal that is easy to prepare but tastes absolutely amazing then I highly recommend a slow cooked organic lamb shoulder on a bed of roasted organic veggies.
1. Grab a baking tray. Preheat your oven 170 degrees.
2. Rub the lamb with oil, sea salt, and some fresh black pepper.
3. Place it in the roasting tray.
4. With a sharp knife, make incisions all over the lamb.
5. Place rosemary leaves, quartered cloves, and garlic into each incision.
6. Cut up some onions, carrots, celery, leeks, and tomatoes. Tuck them in all around the lamb. Add any remaining herbs you had left over.
7. Grab your favourite organic red wine and splash it over the lamb.
8. Cover the lamb with a double layer of foil.
9. Place the lamb in the oven and cook for four hours.
When you serve it, break up the lamb and take out the bones. There, you have one of my favourite meat dishes. Enjoy!!

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