A Snapshot In The Life Of…Michelle Marie McGrath (lovepreneur + self-love mentor)

Michelle Marie McGrath is a Self-love Mentor & Lovepreneur. She coaches women who are committed to having a lifelong, loving relationship with themselves. She has a particular interest in encouraging women who are childless or childfree, to embrace their most loving, unlimited creative potential.  She’s the co-author of “Love and Oneness” alongside luminaries such as Marianne Williamson […]

A Snapshot In The Life Of Steph Einhorn (holistic kinesiologist)

  Having always had a keen interest in natural health, Steph started off doing a Bachelor of Science at UWA before moving to Sydney to study Holistic Kinesiology at the college of Complementary Medicine. Steph has been back in Perth for a year now and is loving integrating into the health community there. Steph has […]

A Snapshot In The Life Of…Nat Kringoudis (women’s health revolutionist)

Nat Kringoudis

  Nat Kringoudis is a bona fide women’s health revolutionist and fertility fixer with a big heart for natural healthcare. She is a Dr of Chinese Medicine, an author, speaker and the founder and owner of The Pagoda Tree. Nat has stepped up to champion fertility BEFORE it becomes an issue. With the belief of […]

A Snapshot In The Life Of…Vanessa Millar (body-love coach)

vanessa millar

Vanessa Millar is a Body-Love Coach + Yoga Teacher + Holistic Health Coach + Reiki Practitioner on a mission to help women find acceptance, connection and love, in their own skin. Vanessa has experienced her own personal struggles with body-image, self-esteem and emotional eating, leading her through periods of anxiety, depression, bulimia and binge eating. Having made an inspiring recovery, despite facing some incredibly heart-breaking challenges, she feels blessed to be able to share everything she knows and everything she has learned with women, just like her, all over the world.

A Snapshot In The Life Of…Kirsty Nelson (fitness professional)

Kirsty Nelson is originally from Scotland and comes from a strong background in dance & modelling.  This led her to travel the world & propelled her into the fitness industry in Australia. Kirsty specialises in weight training & educating people to make long-term, sustainable & healthy lifestyle changes. She’s not here to preach but to […]

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