Are You The Confident Woman You Know You Can Be?

Are you the confident woman you know you can be, or do you struggle with self-confidence and stay in your shell?

Being a confident woman says a lot about you and what you think about yourself and where you’re at in your life. I think there’s nothing more attractive than a confident woman (or man!)….wouldn’t you agree? Confident women have purpose and presence and glow from the inside out. Yet there’s so many women out there lacking in self-confidence and self-love and therefore limiting their potential.

confidence is beautiful

Confidence comes in many different shapes and forms. You could be a confident little bunny in your job, kicking goals all the time, yet lack self-confidence wearing a sexy dress or speaking your mind. You might also seem confident to everyone on the outside, walking tall and with pride (the ol’ faking it till you make it!) but feel horrible and ugly on the inside, telling yourself negative ‘mean girl’ talk.

Or perhaps you’re none of those things, because you LOVE yourself and are happy with life and your purpose and direction. You walk tall, with your shoulders back and your head held high, because you’re kicking ass girlfriend! You’re in flow. You feel good about yourself and like what you see because you exercise regularly, maintain your ideal weight, and fuel your body with nutrient dense wholefoods so the engine runs efficiently.

You’re doing what you love and you’re good at what you do. You’re not afraid to take risks because you’re confident in your choices.

Yes, there may be a bump in the road every now and then, this isn’t the Brady Bunch, this is LIFE. But you smooth the bumps out easily and effortlessly with confidence, knowing that everything is as it should be 🙂

Whichever girl you are; the lacking in confidence from the inside out girl, the ‘faking it till you make it’ girl or the super confident (but not arrogant!) girl, this is YOUR journey. And it’s okay to be where you’re at.

Your Tasks For Today!

  • Grab out your diary beautiful. I want you to write at least 10 things that you love about yourself…and I’m not talking aesthetics. Things about you as a person, things you’re proud of, characteristics others admire about you.
  • Do a good deed! Do something nice for someone you know or a stranger. It might be as simple as smiling warmly at a stranger, or perhaps you’d like to buy some food for a homeless person. You decide 🙂

And then at the end of the day, take note of how you feel. YOU CAN be that confident woman! One day and one step at a time, you’ll get there.

Love Liz xx

PS have you checked out my new meal plans? Super easy to follow and full of goodness to get you on track with your diet. Click here to learn more.


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