I’m ENGAGED!!! :-))))

It happened…I got engaged to my beautiful soul mate last Friday and we couldn’t be happier! I’m so excited! I’ve known for quite some time now that Gav was going to propose, and I was pretty certain that I’d know when he was going to do it, but he completely caught me off guard, and it was such a welcomed surprise!




It was a beautiful day last Friday the 10th of October, and Gav said to me “let’s take the arvo off and go to the beach for a walk and a bite to eat.” The beach is my favourite place to hang out, so I was more than happy to start the weekend a little early.

As we were walking hand in hand along the beach, Gav pretended he had a sore knee (he he), so said he wanted to sit down and led me to a sand bank. It was just the two of us, and Gav had his arm around me and started to tell me with such sincerity, how much he loved me. Then we spent a few minutes talking about how special our relationship is and how happy we both are. Gav said “you’ve always been the one for me”. And I said to him “do you remember that only two weeks into our relationship you said you were going to marry me?”

And that was his queue!

He quickly got on one knee and said “and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I love you so much, WILL YOU MARRY ME?” He had tears of happiness in his eyes.

It was soooo beautiful and completely surprised me! I was just so in the moment with him, as we were professing our love for each other, and just did not expect it which was perfect. I really wanted it to be a surprise 🙂

Oh my, and the RING! It is absolutely gorgeous as you can see…I can’t stop staring at it! I love it.

We had such a special weekend. After spending a lot of time on the phone telling our family and close friends, Gav then took me out to dinner at one of our favourite restaurants and the place where he first told me he loved me.

Then on Saturday afternoon, we celebrated at Gav’s parents place with both of our family’s and a few friends. We’ve set the date for our engagement party for the 7th of Feb next year. Can’t wait! Wedding to come a little down the track…we’re thinking a bambino first 🙂

Liz xx

P.S. I had more pics to show you but WordPress keeps uploading them to the top of the post for some reason! Will post plenty once we have our engagement party.

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