So…What Exactly Is A Life Coach?


On the surface, hiring a life coach may seem a tad over the top and self-indulgent. You may even be wondering if there’s many people out there who actually use this service. I mean…what exactly is a life coach anyway?

A Beautiful You Certified Life Coach such as myself, will be your biggest cheerleader. We will guide you from where you are to where you want to be with our support and encouragement. We’re solutions-focused, heart-centred and have a big focus on the ‘self’ and self-actualisation, which is…

The motivation for someone to realise their full potential and true self according to their own needs and desires

Why Would I Hire A Life Coach?

It wasn’t all that long ago that people were saying the same thing about hiring a personal trainer! Surely you could just ‘train’ yourself and save your money, right?

Oh how things have changed.

What people have realised is that having someone to guide you, support you and empower you to live your best life and become your best self (physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually), is so much more effective and enjoyable than treading the personal development path on your own. Plus having a coach to guide and mentor you is a sure-fire way to reach your goals a whole lot faster!

I don’t know about you, but I’ve noticed a massive shift over the last 4-5 years in the way women (and a lot of men too) view personal growth. With inspiring and motivating blogs and forums popping up every day, that have a strong spiritual and “blaze your own trail” message, it’s women like you who are wholeheartedly embracing this trend and saying “Yes!” to a life less ordinary.

In fact, hiring a life coach has become so popular and in demand, that according to Australia’s Life Coaching Institute, it has become the second-fastest growing industry in the world, while the International Coaching Federation estimates it generates $2 billion annually! Woah.

How Can A Life Coach Help Me?

If you’re feeling stuck in a rut, confused about your life direction, overcome with overwhelm, paralysed by fears, low in self-confidence/ self-love/ self-belief/ self-worth, have money blocks, relationship concerns, want to call in love, want to live a fulfilling life, feel more positive and happy, feel energised and healthy, rock your best bod, have more fun, start your own business, or live a life on YOUR TERMS…

Hiring a life coach may be the best decision you ever made

Beautiful You life coaches will guide you in setting positive, feeling-based goals that evoke a strong emotion when you think about it and say it out loud. As an example, ‘to be the most abundant, secure and happy I’ve ever been’ is far more powerful and emotive than ‘to be debt-free’, which is framed in the negative.

Each session we’ll set action steps and strategies to help bring you closer to achieving your goal by the end of your coaching series. You may also be given worksheets to help you keep your focus in the two weeks between sessions plus email support in case you need to ask a question, gain some clarity or share any a-ha moments!

Unlike counsellors, life coaches won’t often look into the client’s life history to learn why they are in their current situation. Life coaches look from someone’s present into the future. We do however, hold a space for you to be as open and honest as you can be, and to share what’s on your mind. It’s always a safe and encouraging environment that is free from judgement.

If you’re interested in being coached by someone, you might like to check out my Work With Me page and book yourself in for an obligation-free 20min discovery session.

And if you’re interested in becoming a life coach yourself (totes recommend it), you may like to read this post of mine where I share why I chose the Beautiful You Academy and how I found the process.

So…what are you waiting for? This is your life to live – shine in the way you’ve always dreamed you would, gorgeous.


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  1. says

    Every single person I’ve coached has always said to me afterwards that before then they had in no way understood its value. I guess thats why marketing etc is so important as a coach, to make the world understand the benefits and be more willing to take that leap of faith. This is such a great explanation that you wrote 🙂

    • says

      Thank you Sophie. It’s so important to get the word out there as life coaching can truly be so transformational for people. Thank you for your lovely comment xx

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