A Snapshot In The Life Of…Mark Sketchley (fitness & conditioning expert)

Mark Sketchley

Mark’s passion for sport led him into the health and fitness industry, where he has been working as a personal trainer, bootcamp instructor, Biosignature practitioner and mentor for over seven years. Mark is also a PICP and ASCA conditioning coach and works with a broad range of people from athletes to regular personal training clients.

Mark is eagerly awaiting the opening of his personal training gym in North Melbourne. It will be an awesome place for people to train in small groups of 6 or 1 on 1 with highly qualified trainers.

Want to connect with Mark? Check out his Facebook page 🙂

Gym website will be up and running very soon.

Tell us three things about yourself

  • I have a fear of getting old! So I eat well, exercise and have plenty fun with friends and family so that my mind, body and soul will always be young.
  • I’m addicted to surfing, and since moving to Australia from London it has taken over as my number one sport. As often as I can I take time out to head down to the coast. Not only does it give me a physical workout, but also a chance to clear my head and recharge.
  • I have 2 dogs, a tiny Chihuahua and a massive Rhodesian ridgeback; I get some funny looks walking down the street with them.

What’s been the biggest health challenge you’ve overcome and what did you learn from this experience?

My biggest learning curve was when I finished playing rugby and I wanted to compete in triathlons. I had to completely change my body shape. I went from 105kg to competing at 81kg. It taught me the importance of nutrition, especially the importance of alkalizing the body. As a young athlete you don’t realize the stress you can put on your body with a constant need to always eat animal protein.

What’s your top tip for getting your day off to a great start?

There is only one way to start the day and that is with exercise. I don’t care what! Run, swim, cycle, weights, surf, anything! Don’t hit the snooze button, get out of bed and move. The benefits are endless, it gets the brain working, endorphins flowing and the heart pumping. Everything you need to feel alive.

Your brekky usually consist of…

Meat and nuts with a green smoothie (spinach, celery, cucumber and apple all blended together with some green superfood powder – Hulk juice, as one of my clients calls it).

Recently I have been delaying breakfast until about 10-11am to see the benefits of prolonged growth hormone production.

Which foods do you eat to nourish your body and give you vitality?

I love food as long as it is fresh, unprocessed and comes from the best available source. I’m loving fresh herbs at the moment, they can make an ordinary dish just explode with flavor and also provide you with high doses of vitamins, minerals and help detoxify the body.

Mark & Tess Sketchley

Why is fitness an important part of your life?

It makes you feel alive. I get a genuine rush when exercising and it only heightens when exercising with other people. It might be tough, you might scream and shout but you can’t help but smile and laugh at the end.

What is your current exercise routine?

Currently I am doing 2 workouts a day. I do heavy 6-10 sets of 2-5 reps in the morning and then 10-12 sets of 10-15 reps in the afternoon. It’s a killer but you get some great results. I only have a couple of days left till I reprogram. I also surf as much as I can every week and that never changes.

Describe what motivated you to choose your current business or career path?

I love working with people and you always see the best side of someone when they are exercising.

What business or career challenge have you overcome and what one piece of advice would you like to pass on to others?

Stop dreaming and do it. I am just about to open my own gym in Melbourne and I couldn’t be more pumped. Every dream has it set backs and I’ve had a few, but they have helped me grow and develop a greater understanding of what you need to do and understand to achieve your goals. The opportunities are always there, you just need to stand up and grab them with both hands.

Your favourite book or movie of all time is?

It’s got to be Point Break, I love that film so much I named one of my dogs after Patrick Swayze’s character Bohdi.

And lastly, do you have a recipe you’d like to share with us?

I always get asked about snacks and this is my personal favorite at the moment.

Spicy Kale Chips, you make a big batch at the beginning of the week and believe me they won’t last long.


image via eatdrinkpaleo.com.au
image via eatdrinkpaleo.com.au



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