Sarah Von Bargen is a blogger, writer, and internet awesome-i-fier. She writes (almost) daily at Yes and Yes and helps entrepreneurs and small business owners at You can also follow her shenanigans on Facebook and Twitter.
Tell us three things about yourself
1. I’m a third generation Minnesotan. My family came from Europe directly to Minnesota and never left. (I’m German and Scandinavian so I’m sort of genetically engineered for this climate.)
2. This is my natural hair color (strangers and stylists ask me that a lot). It’s one of a few things for which I say “Thank you. Thank you, DNA.”
3. I inherited crooked pinky fingers from my dad and grandpa.
What’s been the biggest health challenge you’ve overcome and what did you learn from this experience?
I’ve been extremely fortunate with my health. I’ve never broken any bones, had any major surgeries, or really taken an medication other than antibiotics. I’m sort of a fainter when my blood sugar gets low or I feel too hot or crowded, . Now I’m just more conscientious about getting enough protein and iron and sitting down if I feel faint.
What’s your top tip for getting your day off to a great start?
Begin your day in the manner that you want to continue your day. If you want to have a super mellow, relaxing day – begin with tea and a long shower. If you want to be super productive all day, start with a workout and a protein packed breakfast.
Your brekky usually consists of…
A cup of tea and chia seed porridge made with chocolate almond milk + a banana + coconut + slivered almonds. (But on weekends I usually go out for breakfast and invariably get a giant serving of hash browns, bottomless diner coffee, and a glass of orange juice.)
Which foods do you eat to nourish your body and give you vitality?
I love berries, avocados, roasted vegetables with feta, and sweet potato anything. I also love cheese with an awkward, undying devotion.
Why is fitness an important part of your life and do you have an exercise routine?
Being active helps me focus and sleep better at night. Since I live by myself and work for myself, I also enjoy going to the gym just to be around other people.
I don’t really have a ‘routine’ per se. I have a pedometer so I try really hard to get in 10,000+ steps a day and make it to the gym 2-3 times per week.
Your ‘perfect day’ in a nutshell would be…
Most of my days that I have now! Wake up without an alarm, move my body outside, do a mix of personal and client work, spend time with the people I love.
Describe what motivated you to choose your current business or career path?
I started writing my blog because there was a very specific type of blog I wanted to read and I couldn’t find it. I must have inadvertently discovered a hole in the market because Yes and Yes became pretty widely read and lead to my work as a copywriter and consultant. So I guess it was all motivated by my desire to find a smart, funny, interesting blog!
What business or career challenge have you overcome and what one piece of advice would you like to pass on to others?
I think we’ve all made mistakes with the types of clients we take on when we’re first starting out. I certainly worked with people who raised a lot of red flags because I needed the money or wanted the work. And I later discovered that no, we weren’t a good fit for each other.
Lesson? If someone rubs you the wrong way or seems like a bad fit – don’t talk yourself into it or take them on because you need the work. When you take on non-awesome clients and work, they’re monopolizing time you could be spending on clients who are a better fit.
Your favourite book or movie of all time is? And why?
Probably Franny and Zooey. For me, Salinger’s dialogue is unrivaled. While reading it, I was dog-earrings pages and highlighting like a freshman-year English major. Any book that makes me feel like that must be doing something right!
And lastly, do you have a recipe you’d like to share with us?
I love this salad. It’s easy, healthy, fresh – and everytime I bring it to a party, I come back with an empty bowl.

great interview. too true, what sarah says about beginning your day in the manner you want to continue it. i’m going to be more mindful of that!!
Yes, it’s great advice 🙂