A Snapshot In The Life Of…Tom Davidson (health + fitness coach in Melb & Hollywood)

Tom Davidson

Tommy grew up in Tasmania and was drafted from Tasmania to Collingwood Football Club aged 18 where he played 2002-2005. He was then drafted to Western Bulldogs football club and played there for a season in 2006.

Serious injuries including two knee reconstructions, a wrist reconstruction, groin and achilles injuries cut short his career in professional football. Going through the process of rehabilitating these injuries helped develop a very keen interest in how the body and mind functions and responds to physical activity.

Continually updating his knowledge and evolving as a trainer has lead Tommy to opportunities training actors and musicians in Hollywood, sporting teams in Melbourne and a variety of different clients in Melbourne.

Tommy has also had a very successful career as an international model.

Tell us three things about yourself

  • Food, fashion, fitness, family, friends and having fun all play a big part in my life
  • I love travelling, discovering and exploring
  • I have a big passion for motivating people, hence why I love my job!

What’s been the biggest health challenge you’ve overcome and what did you learn from this experience?

I played professional Australian Football for 5 years and had to overcome several major injuries. Some, like the two knee reconstructions, kept me out of the game for 24 months. Overcoming these were tough, especially being so young. Having the support around me at the time from sports science experts, physios, coaches and trainers certainly made it easier but it was very challenging not being physically able to play the game and start a career. I often say, if I had the knowledge back then that I have now of the human body and how it can function at its best, things may have been different. But there’s absolutely no regrets from my end. I love the path I’m on now and will continue to move forward, learn and build my business as a health and fitness coach.

What’s your top tip for getting your day off to a great start?

Lots of water first thing in the morning. I try to drink at least two large glasses before I do anything else. Hydration!

Your brekky usually consist of…

3 poached eggs, avocado, spinach, tomato, bacon, mushrooms and a strong coffee!

Tommy Davidson

Which foods do you eat to nourish your body and give you vitality?

I eat very natural foods and avoid foods that have been processed. I stick to eating plants and animals. So meat, fish, fowl, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds. And I like to keep the colour variety expansive. My favourite snack at the moment is a fresh juice of celery, carrot, beetroot, ginger.

Why is fitness an important part of your life?

Fitness is a huge part of my life. I’m a health and fitness coach and I like to set a great example to my clients by training hard but smart, having fun with exercise and nourishing my body with great foods. It also motivates me for other parts of my life and provides me the physical and mental strength to achieve my ambitions.

What is your current exercise routine?

I don’t have a strict structure to my routine. I move around a lot with my work but I’m also very conscious about incidental exercise. I ride my bike to work often, catch up with friends through exercise, kick the footy, play frisbee, take the stairs not the lift every time and move my body as much as I can! I also train in the gym by lifting weights. I focus on compound full body strength moves like deadlifts, squats, push ups, pull ups and lunges. I typically lift weights for 30-40 minutes at a high intensity.

Describe what motivated you to choose your current business or career path?

Going through a tough few years of injury while I was playing professional sport made me realise how amazing the human body is and what it can endure. I wanted to teach people the best way to get the most out of their lives through health and fitness. I’m continually learning and defining my knowledge of the health and fitness industry and am extremely keen to keep doing so and passing this knowledge on.

What business or career challenge have you overcome and what one piece of advice would you like to pass on to others?

I’m going through a transition phase now with my career and developing an online part to my business. This is challenging in itself and time consuming, but it will have great reward if it all goes to plan.

From my experience, the best piece of advice I can pass onto others is that one should always be learning and evolving in ones craft; and seizing opportunities when they present themselves. Have a go and take yourself out of your comfort zone…you never know where it may take you :-).

Tommy Davidson

Your favourite book or movie of all time is…

Tough question but one of my favourite books is Shantaram and one of my favourite films is The Intouchables, which I saw recently on a trip to Auckland.

And lastly, do you have a recipe you’d like to share with us?

My favorite thing to cook right now is:

Eye fillet steak with greens.

300g Eye fillet steak:

Cut little holes in the steak, put tiny slithers of garlic and fresh

chillies into each hole, then season with salt and pepper.

Steam broccoli, beans, brussel sprouts for 3 minutes.

Cook steak on extremely high heat for 2-3 mins each side.

Sprinkle chia seeds on veggies and serve steak with some seeded


This is very basic but clean, healthy primal food.

Want to connect with Tommy?

Website: www.tomprimal.com

Instagram: @tomprimal

Twitter: @tomprimal

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TomPrimal


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