Are You Taking Yourself Out Of Your Comfort Zone?

I strongly believe that in order to grow, we must challenge ourselves by doing things that push us out of our comfort zone.  A couple of days ago, I did just that.

Those who have been following me for a while, will know about my Model Shoot Project business I started only a couple of months. Model Shoot Project is a unique opportunity for Perth women to do a professional photo shoot with Perth’s leading fashion photographers, makeup artists and stylists. It’s very much a confidence building opportunity for women of all shapes and sizes. You can read all about it here.

For publicity, the gorgeous Rayne Embley (wife of Eagles player, Andrew Embley) who has a wildly successful blog, jumped at the opportunity of being my ambassador. Being a busy mum of three, wifey, restauranteur and businesswoman, Rayne was really excited about taking some time out for herself and doing something fun and glamourous! She was also very happy about putting her face and name towards a project that is all about boosting women’s self-confidence.

Rayne Embley & Elizabeth Rose


My Exciting Challenge…

I’m so grateful that the The Sunday Times (Perth’s most read newspaper!) wanted to cover the story and interview both Rayne and myself :-). I was quite nervous about being interviewed though! This was a challenge for me and something that took me out of my comfort zone…in a scary-but-awesome kinda way! My publicist, Amber Gorrie from The Hub, did a fab job of coordinating the day!

Sunday Times interview
being interviewed


Now I’m sure some of you may be thinking “that sounds more exciting than challenging!” And it was definitely exciting, don’t get me wrong, but I was a little anxious about it! I find that I’m much better at expressing myself through writing (go figure!) as words seem to come to me faster this way…not sure why! My eldest sister on the other hand is the exact opposite. She’s got the gift of the gab something bad!

Even though I was clear on my key messages and had thought about what questions they’d ask me so I was prepared; I was nervous about getting a question that might throw me and that I wouldn’t be able to answer articulately. It’s all just fear based stuff really! Being fearful of sounding silly and being judged.

Anyhoo, I conquered my fear and had fun at the same time! It all went really well and Rayne had so much fun on the photo shoot and really enjoyed her experience :-). I couldn’t have asked for a better ambassador! She was so professional and lovely to work with. Looking forward to seeing the images and the story in the paper soon! Woo hoo!

What About You…

Are you challenging yourself by doing things that make you feel uncomfortable but know you’ll grow as a person by doing it? Don’t let opportunities pass you by because you’re fearful of the process or the outcome. Be bold and brave and watch how the Universe rewards you!

Liz xx




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