How I’m Getting Over Myself To Kick Some Fricken Goals!

Well it certainly has been a whirlwind kinda-of-a-time since Sunday! And I mostly mean in my head. You see on Sunday I was featured on page 5 of The Sunday Times! This was to promote my new venture, Model Shoot Project. My project ambassador, Rayne Embley (wifey of recently retired Eagles player, Andrew, mama of […]

Are You Taking Yourself Out Of Your Comfort Zone?

I strongly believe that in order to grow, we must challenge ourselves by doing things that push us out of our comfort zone.  A couple of days ago, I did just that. Those who have been following me for a while, will know about my Model Shoot Project business I started only a couple of […]

5 Things I’m Loving Right Now

Happy Thursday my lovelies! Well I certainly had a lot of fun constructing this post yesterday arvo! I hope you enjoy my latest edition of ‘5 Things I’m Loving Right Now’! 🙂 1. Vegan Sparkles delectable Mint Choc Chip Smoothie!   This recipe comes directly from Rebecca Weller’s gorgeous Vegan Sparkles blog. When I saw […]

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