Gemstones, Crystals and Oracle Cards

I just love the feeling I get as soon as I walk into a spiritual shop filled with beautiful stones, crystals, books, cards, jewellery, dream catchers, incense and the like. I could easily spend hours in these gorgeous havens!

The Blue Budha

On Sunday I went into an old fav of mine, the lovely Blue Budha in Fremantle, Western Australia. I’ve been having a strong feeling inside of me that I need some spiritual guidance and support right now, as I embark on a few exciting changes in my biz and life.

What I’ve been drawn to in my sub-conscious and heart, are gemstones and crystals to have in my home office to support me with creative, energetic energy. I’ve also been dreaming of oracle cards lately, and knew I needed a pack to add to my collection that’s a bit more general than the Life Purpose set I have. I wanted some cards that I could use on a daily basis to offer inspiration and to assure me I’m on the right path.

My Pick…

When choosing gemstones and crystals it’s always a good idea to let your intuition draw you to the ones you need right now. Read their descriptions too, and trust that the right ones will strike a cord in your gut.

Below are the ones I knew I had to get:

  • Amethyst Crystal – Ancient healer of all levels. Cleanses, purifies, protects. Transforms lower energies into higher.
  • Lepidolite (Lilac) – Soothing the emotional body, relieving stress, peace. supports spiritualisation of one’s emotions.
  • Agate – Excellent stone for rebalancing and harmonising mind, body and spirit. It cleanses and stabilises aura. Enhances mental function, improving concentration.
  • Red Adventure – Determination, strength, creativity, sexuality. Helps with self-forgiveness. Supports the liver and in detoxification of efforts.
  • Amazonite – Truth, communication, harmony. Assists in self-knowledge, beliefs and values. Helps to balance thyroid and adrenals.

gemstones & crystals

It will be a full moon in Perth at 1.09am tomorrow morning, which is perfect timing for me to cleanse my stones and increase their metaphysical energies. Stones are believed to have an extensive memory, remembering where they’ve been, who they’ve touched, and all forces and energies that have surrounded them. A stone can pass onto others any energy that it has stored within it. So it is a great idea to cleanse them when first bought and whenever you feel their energies are a bit stale.

Cards & Sage Smudge…

I also bought myself a set of Doreen Virtue oracle cards called Messages from Your Angels. They are absolutely gorgeous! As soon as I got home I asked my angels what message I needed to know today, and the cards stunning accuracy were EXACTLY what I needed to know :-). Love, Love , love!

The last thing I was led to and purchased was a Sage Smudge. Native Americans use these to purify the mind, body and spirit before praying, purifying the atmosphere and dispersing negativity. Some may also use it to purify their homes, offices and cars. I’ll be using it to purify my office space since I spend so much time in there!

What about you gorgeous? I’d love to know what gemstones, crystals and other talismans you’re drawn to, and if you’d like to see more posts on this subject. Leave a comment below 🙂

Liz xx

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  1. says

    I love your blog post. I have just getting into crystals and oracle cards. I have daily guidance ones, but I have also ordered some Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards.

  2. says

    Yay glad you’re loving your cards & crystals Liz. The Fairy cards I bought were very accurate too for what I needed this week. I’ve been working with Amethyst & clear Quartz this week for clearing & transitioning over the Equinox x

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