Gemstones, Crystals and Oracle Cards

The Blue Budha

I just love the feeling I get as soon as I walk into a spiritual shop filled with beautiful stones, crystals, books, cards, jewellery, dream catchers, incense and the like. I could easily spend hours in these gorgeous havens! On Sunday I went into an old fav of mine, the lovely Blue Budha in Fremantle, […]

My Two Sides…Figuring Out Who I Am In This World!

I read a fantastic post on Jess Ainscough’s blog yesterday! It’s called Who Are We Without Our Special Identities, and I love how open and authentic this post is. Jess certainly is honest about her insecurities around her identity, her need to be “special” and why self-love and self-acceptance is something she continually works on. […]

How I’m Learning To Trust The Universe…Even When Sh*t Happens!

Do you trust in the Uni-verse? Do you believe that the Universe has a plan for you? I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently. I’ve been thinking, “okay Universe, you’ve dished out some pretty shitty cards recently…isn’t it time to start sending me some outrageously positive ones now?! What lesson/s do I still need […]

Motivational Words Of Wisdom Part 2…Marianne Williamson

Wow! What a powerhouse this woman is! And man does she speak her mind with utter conviction in every word she says! Marianne is an internationally acclaimed author and lecturer. Her book A Return to Love is considered a must-read of The New Spirituality. Her latest book A Course in Weight Loss was selected by Oprah to be one of her favourite things in 2011. As with Louise, Marianne’s presence was nothing short of complete confidence, elegance and radiance…

Motivational Words Of Wisdom Part 1…Louise Hay

Welcome to my first ‘heart-felt’ post! This will be a four part series based on what I learned from the 2011 I Can Do It! conference run by Hay House, which is Louise Hay’s publishing company. If you’re interested in this sort of thing, I’d definitely be grabbing a ticket to this year’s conference. And don’t let the name scare you off – I promise you won’t all be punching the air shouting “I Can Do It!” and then hugging your neighbour! 😉

For the past 3-4 years, I have been becoming more and more interested in exploring my spiritual side and delving further into my journey of self-discovery…

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