I Am So Happy Right Now I Could BURST!

Right now, I feel like I’m floating. I feel light, inspired, purposeful and like everything I’ve ever wanted is flowing my way, bit by bit, just as it should. The Beautiful You Coaching Academy is largely, and gratefully, the reason behind my glowing sense of ‘hell yeah, I’m on the right path’ feeling 🙂


Rewind two years ago…

A couple of years back, my mentor at the time suggested I start a blog as a way to educate people in health & fitness and as an avenue to bring me more business. I liked the idea of creating something that not only reflected me and my values, but could inspire and motivate others to live a healthier life holistically. So, after months of procrastinating and hearing my perfectionist voice tell me “but it’s not quite ready!”, I finally launched Life with Elizabeth Rose in April 2012.

After a few months of writing at least two posts a week, I quickly discovered that even though I was extremely passionate about health & fitness, what I really loved writing about was heart-centered, personal development posts. These blog posts were largely very honest and candid posts about me and my life (hence the name of my blog!), and seemed to naturally and authentically flow right out of me. Then to realise that what I was writing about was connecting with so many of you, was simply the best feeling ever.

Life Coaching Here I Come!

It seems like a natural and perfect progression that I’m now studying to be a Life Coach…and I couldn’t be happier! To know that I will be guiding women to live a life of clarity, purpose, fulfillment, self-confidence, self-love and happiness just fills me up with SO much joy 🙂

Last Saturday, July 12th, with a mixed feeling of excitement and nervousness, I attended our first live training day on the Gold Coast. I couldn’t wait to meet Julie Parker, CEO and founder of the Beautiful You Coaching Academy, her assistant trainer, Rachel MacDonald from my favourite blog, In Spaces Between, my training buddy, Ainslie Deverson, plus all the other lovely ladies.

It was a day of beautifully delivered and helpful information, connection, friendship forming, support, courage, coaching, laughter and pure joy. It was just a delight to be surrounded by so many like-minded women, all wanting to do the same thing – guide and support women to live life to their fullest potential.


elizabeth rose & julie parker


Julie and I above! Such a pleasure it was meeting Julie and listening to her present. She was so articulate and funny, and spoke with so much passion and joy. I felt like I was listening to a bestie.


elizabeth rose & rachel macdonald


Rachel and I at the end of the day. You can see how happy I look in this pic! Love this girl and adore her blog. It was so amazing being able to ask her questions and chat to her in person!


elizabeth rose life coach


Ainslie and I ‘in action’. Towards the end of the day, we did our very first 1hr coaching session with each other. At the end of coaching Ainslie, and after hearing her positive and heart warming feedback, I felt even more certain that THIS is what I’m meant to be doing with my life!


alchemy oils


One of the students, Michelle Marie McGrath from Sared Self, gave all of us one of her beautiful alchemy oils. We got to personally choose a bottle based on our intuition. Some of the oils we could choose from included: Abundance, Passion, Courage, Integrity, Self-Love, Trust and Creativity. All of Michelle’s oils have been energetically infused with sound, light, colour, sacred symbols, crystals and a pure intention. Bliss.

I’d Love To Coach YOU

I wasn’t going to open my doors to coaching until I’d relaunched my website and had some testimonials from women I’m about to start coaching, but…I feel so confident in my ability and am just too excited to wait any longer (and had such an overwhelming response to my offer of some complimentary coaching a couple of weeks ago), that I’m going to take some bookings NOW for 10 women only beginning the week of the 11th of August, before I officially launch my coaching biz later in the year.

So gorgeous one, if you are feeling stuck right now, perhaps you have for a while, and would love some coaching to help transition you from where you are to where you wholeheartedly want to be (in your body/health, relationships, biz and life), so you can feel happy, healthy, confident and fulfilled, please email me at liz@lifewithelizabethrose.com with the subject line “Life Coaching”. I would be absolutely honoured to coach you 🙂

Note: my coaching will be conducted primarily via skype, so it doesn’t matter where you live, my coaching is available to you!

Your Investment

Early bird rate, from now until the 10 spaces fill, will be $160 per month for a three month duration (minimum). This includes six 1hr coaching sessions (one session every fortnight) and as much email support as you need in between. Price will increase to $250 per month around October.

Don’t miss this early bird opportunity! Be brave and audacious. Follow your heart. You deserve the life you’ve been dreaming of.

With a heart beaming love,

Liz xx


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  1. says

    What a beautiful post Elizabeth and we are honoured to have you in our course. You are going to be an amazing coach and anyone would be blessed to work with you!

  2. says

    Wonderful post Liz! Looks like you are so on your Soul path. Sunbeams are shining out your face in the photos. Love Michelle’s oils, so happy you got to experience them too. Must have been great to meet Rachel too. Good luck with your next step & hope you get loads of awesome & inspiring coaching clients. xx

    • says

      Thanks Kat :-). Definitely feel like I’m on my Soul path indeedy. Love Michelle’s alchemy oils (I know you’re a big fan of them too!). xx

  3. says

    I loved reading this! I’m doing the Melbourne course later this year, and can not wait!
    Having Rachel as your assistant coach must be amazing.
    I got such a beautiful energy from you in this post too, must be because you’re writing about what makes your heart sing. 🙂

  4. says

    I love that you had such a great time at the Coaching Academy meetup, looks like a dream! So fun to see some of my favourite women in one place.

    Good luck with your coaching, you’re going to be great X

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