Are You Ready To Start Your Own Blog?

I’ve got to be honest with you – starting a blog has literally changed my life. Not only has it been a fantastic source of creative expression and personal growth (boy, have I grown!), it has enabled me to build a platform where I get to coach, inspire, motivate and connect with women just like […]

I’m A Certified Beautiful You Life Coach (plus lots of pics!)

Beautiful You Life Coach

On November 23rd up on the beautiful Gold Coast and surrounded by inspirational women, I became a certified Beautiful You Life Coach and I couldn’t be happier! Becoming a life coach has been on my mind for quite a long time. In fact, the first time I entertained the thought was even before I became […]

I Am So Happy Right Now I Could BURST!

elizabeth rose & rachel macdonald

Right now, I feel like I’m floating. I feel light, inspired, purposeful and like everything I’ve ever wanted is flowing my way, bit by bit, just as it should. The Beautiful You Coaching Academy is largely, and gratefully, the reason behind my glowing sense of ‘hell yeah, I’m on the right path’ feeling 🙂 Rewind […]

A Snapshot In The Life Of…Rachel MacDonald (blogger + coach)

Rachel MacDonald is a life and blog coach and creator of In Spaces Between, an inspiration-packed site for women seeking big, beautiful, completely fulfilling lives. Her blog is one of my favourites at the moment! Living in a perpetual state of gratitude and joy, Rachel weaves that same electric energy into her work with one-on-one […]

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