I don’t know about you, but I haven’t started this year on the best foot. I feel an immense amount of overwhelm over all the wonderful projects and achievements I want to conquer this year! I kinda feel like 2013 has morphed in 2014 without there being a clear ending and beginning. And I know why this is.
I decided to go to Melbourne to see my old buddies for NYE, and it was so lovely seeing them all! But I needed rest. I had already had enough alcohol around the silly season for me (my body can’t handle consecutive days of drinking), and I was tired from a big 2013.
I don’t regret going to Melbourne as I love my friends and always have so much fun with them, but an island holiday with sun (it was so cold in Melbs!), beach, massages, sleeping, reading, goal setting, and the company of my new amazing beau, would have been more my speed to bring in the new year.
As I’m well and truly back in the swing of all things work related, I’m having to re-set myself in the little gaps I have (or create). I’ve started reading Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map, which I’ve heard is a total game changer! Danielle says..
What if, first, we got clear on how we actually wanted to feel in our life, and then we laid out our intentions? What if your most desired feelings consciously informed how you plan your day, your year, your career, your holidays — your life?
I’m looking forward to filling out her workbook and getting crystal clear on my “goals with soul” and focusing more on how I want to feel rather than the goal itself.
I thought I’d play with this a bit now. Below are my most valued positive feelings:
- love (giving and receiving)
- happiness / joy
- energised / vitalised
- empowered
- sense of accomplishment / success
- calm / content
- flexible / free
- creative / in flow / clarity
- abundant / affluent
- holistic / spiritual / balanced
- healthy / fit
- inspired / motivated / positive
- passionate / enthusiastic
- adventurous
- brave / strong
- grateful / blessed / lucky
And now for the ‘things’ making me happy
- love / my beau ♥ / family (especially spending time with Candi)
- summer / sun / beach / outdoors
- travelling
- exercising and eating nutrient dense wholefoods
- model shoot project and watching my clients transform from being shy and nervous, to confident and empowered! Best job EVER!
- watching movies / reading / blogging
- pampering myself with massages and facials
- buying a new outfit
- coffee, dark chocolate, a glass of red (my vices!)
- breakfast overlooking the ocean
- helping women like YOU create the best version of themselves by training them so they feel more confident about their body, educating them on nutrition and mindset, and coaching them on how to pose in front of the camera in the most flattering way! I LOVE helping women look beautiful and create stunning photographs that they can use for business, social media, a gift for a loved one, and to have for themselves 🙂
- my beautiful friendships ♥
I feel so much lighter after writing these lists! Over to you beautiful. What is your top list of positive feelings and things making you happy? Pull out your journal and scribble away!
Liz xx

I love this post! I feel so similar – the start of the year seems to be so crazy yet its a time I want to sit down and get clear on what I want the year ahead to look like. I love the idea of focussing on the feeling rather than the goal, I can’t wait to write down how I want 2014 to feel xx
Thanks for your comment Amelia! I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling this way xx