5 Ways To Experience More JOY In Your Life


I’ve got an insightful and juicy question for you to ask yourself, perhaps whilst meditating, and that is ‘how much joy am I experiencing on a day-to-day basis?’ Really sit with this meaningful question and see what comes up for you. It may be an instantaneous response or you may need to work through a […]

Making Me Happy…

I don’t know about you, but I haven’t started this year on the best foot. I feel an immense amount of overwhelm over all the wonderful projects and achievements I want to conquer this year! I kinda feel like 2013 has morphed in 2014 without there being a clear ending and beginning. And I know […]

My Two Sides…Figuring Out Who I Am In This World!

I read a fantastic post on Jess Ainscough’s blog yesterday! It’s called Who Are We Without Our Special Identities, and I love how open and authentic this post is. Jess certainly is honest about her insecurities around her identity, her need to be “special” and why self-love and self-acceptance is something she continually works on. […]

The Power Of The Mind…Your Mind

I’m sitting in a cafe sipping my short mac as I write this next post, looking out at Cottesloe beach (Perth’s most famous and beautiful beach…I guess it’s the Bondi of Perth!) and I’m thinking to myself, “life is good!” It’s going to be a magical 29 degree spring day, I have the luxury of […]

L.O.V.E. why it’s so important to me

L.O.V.E. The single most important emotion out there, has gotta be love. Loving someone, loving yourself, feeling love from another and loving things give us that warm, tingly, deliriously happy feeling. Without love we are often lonely and unhappy…chasing a feeling, an emotion that makes us all feel whole again. Being In Love… Oh how […]

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