Today’s post is part two of an interview I did with personal trainer, Travis Jones. If you haven’t watched the first one, you can do so here.
In this video TJ talks about his biggest challenge being time management, and how he only sleeps 2 hours a day! Yes you read that right! It’s called Uber Man sleeping which is talked about in Tim Ferriss’s book The Four Hour Body.
TJ’s unique point of difference at his studio, RBT, is that they guarantee results. They guarantee 5-10 kilos of fat loss in 6 weeks or less or your money back! Pretty good!
I asked TJ what his top 3 tips would be for anyone starting out in this industry as a fitness professional. They are:
1. Niche yourself. Don’t be something to everyone, be everything to someone.
2. Have an outgoing personality.
3. Network. Talk to as many people as you can and become friends with as many people as you can as you never know where that could lead you.
If you’d like to get in contact with TJ, head to

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