So I’m Back In Perth…What Next?

If you’ve been following my blog you’ll know that I recently made an interstate move back to my hometown of Perth, Western Australia. Start here if this is your first time visiting to get the low-down.

Now when I say I’ve moved back home, I don’t just mean the city, I mean I’ve moved back in with my Mum! Yep, I’ve returned to the womb…for the next few months at least!

The highlights so far include:

  • Mum’s lovely English cooking (she now uses coconut oil & cooks shepherds’ pie with sweet potato instead of white potato…she learns fast. Recipe coming to you shortly)
  • Mum leaving hot water bottle in my bed at night
  • Mum folding my washing for me (no, she doesn’t actually wash it for me – I’m still stuck with that one ;-))
  • Mum bringing me a cup of tea in bed in the morning…hang on a second…no, that’s me bringing her one! What a good daughter I am! Chuckle chuckle.

Ok, even though all of the above is true, I’m possibly being slightly facetious.  Apart from the fact it’s just so nice to see my Mum every single day after being away for so many years; the biggest highlight is her coaching and support. Mum just happens to be a very talented online coach to women entrepreneurs. I honestly feel like I’m achieving so much more already! Very lucky girl I am.

How I’m Making Good Use Of My Time

I’ll be starting back at Fitness First soon as a senior personal trainer, but by the time I start I would have had a forced 3 week break. I wasn’t prepared for this. I thought I’d take a week off to recover from the move, but not 3 weeks.  I want to get into it damn it! Get cracking and start this new life off with a bang! And I want to do it NOW!

image via

I like this quote. There’s a few ways you can take it depending on where you’re at, but for me it resonates with being PATIENT and also trusting that a break doesn’t mean I’m going to miss out on anything…in fact, I might even gain something from my time off. And that is exactly what’s happened. I’ve gained TIME:

  • Time to be creative and work on my blog! This is a big learning curve for me – the blogging thing. SO much to learn and improve on. The technical side does my head in a bit, such a time waster, but I’m getting there with the help of my Mum, my newly appointed virtual assistant and my friend, Callan, who now and again sends me a list of things I should do to make my blog, well, better! Thanks dude! 🙂
  • Time to trial a fat-loss, body sculpting detox program!! Yep, that’s right! Instead of being able to spend my weekends checking out the nightlife (or lack thereof ;-)) with my friends, I decide to show true commitment and discipline by following the most grueling, yet powerfully affective and rewarding, detox. I’m amazed with the results so far (not that I had much to lose). Plus knowing that I’m re-balancing my hormones that control metabolism and appetite as well as detoxifying my liver, skin and hair, makes it all worth while. I’ll be taking questions and writing a full post on this in a couple more weeks!
  • Time to create and implement my marketing plan for my new personal training business at Fitness First in Subiaco, Perth.
  • And time to hang out with my loving Dad, bro and sisters, pop over to visit my friends who are mostly full-time mums and enjoy the beautiful weather and scenic river and beaches found in this rapidly changing and growing city of mine.

Not bad I say! Looking forward to blogging about what happens next!


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