The Third Trimester Of Pregnancy

As I prepare to make a start on the third instalment of my pregnancy series (you can start at the beginning here), I am currently 37 weeks pregnant and sitting on a swissball with my legs apart wide enough to let my big belly hang comfortably. I’m at the stage where sitting has even become […]

The Second Trimester of Pregnancy

What an absolute joy it is being pregnant – such a surreal and sacred experience that’s constantly evolving and delighting as the journey progresses. In this post, I share all the highlights and notables from weeks 14-27. If you haven’t read my first trimester post, head on over here to read about my experiences and insights. (25 […]

The First Trimester of Pregnancy

I’ve been really excited about writing this first instalment of my pregnancy series…the first trimester of pregnancy! It feels like it wasn’t that long ago I was blogging about the heartache of my miscarriage. I truly feel so blessed that I fell pregnant again after my next cycle following the miscarriage. I know there’s so […]

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