Liz Loves (new workout & recipe)

For the past three months, I have been working in partnership with Fitness First to bring you one post a month with a particular theme relating to health & fitness. There’s 20 bloggers around Australia who are doing the same thing, all with the intention of helping Australians “Change for the Best”! Such an awesome idea!

Our post topic for March is ‘switch it up week’. We had to swap a healthy recipe and an exercise plan with another blogger, and try it out. So cool.

I swapped with Laney Galligan from Crash Test Mummy – a gorgeous blog about a Mother of two finding her way in the world as a full-time mummy with adrenal fatigue, crash-testing a Primal lifestyle – eating and moving the primal way.

The workout Laney gave me included riding my bike to work and hula-hooping! Well the latter is certainly something I haven’t done since I was 10yrs old! Haha, love it! I wasn’t able to find a hula-hoop in time, but I did borrow my partner’s bike for a week and was surprised at how much I loved riding for a change! When I was living in Melbourne I was almost knocked off my bike on a main road and ever since then, have been rather hesitant about riding. But this challenge forced me to give it another go, and I’m glad I did! Think I might have to buy myself a cool vintage bike like the one below 🙂

white vintage bike

Basil Vegetable Lasagne Stack

Eating primal means no grains or legumes, but lots of veggies, salads, nuts & seeds, good fats, berries and organic meat. This recipe is vegetarian, but you can definitely add some meat to it if you’d like. Such a gorgeous recipe that Laney and her family eat regularly!


1 large tomato, sliced cross-wise into 5mm slices
1 small eggplant, sliced cross-wise
2 small zucchini, sliced into thick ribbons using a vegetable peeler
2 small red capsicum
1 tablespoon Gourmet Garden Basil
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
16 small bocconcini (sliced in 3)
Serves 4


Toss the eggplant in 1 tablespoon of olive oil and cook the eggplant on the BBQ grill until soft
Toss the zucchini in 1 tablespoon of olive oil and cook the zucchini on the BBQ hotplate until soft
Char the red capsicum on the BBQ until all the skin is black, and place in a plastic bag to sweat for a few minutes after. Peel the black skin off, remove the seeds and tear in strips.
Mix 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil with 1 tablespoon Gourmet Garden Basil

Layer the ‘lasagna’ into 4 small (1 1/2 cup) ramekin in the following order (what you put on the bottom will end up on top):

1/2 tablespoon basil oil in each ramekin
1 large round slice of tomato
2 sliced bocconcini / 1/2 sliced buffalo mozzarella
Zucchini ribbons
Grilled eggplant round
2 sliced bocconcini / 1/2 sliced buffalo mozzarella
Red capsicum strips

Up-end the stacked ramekins on salad plates and the basil oil will drizzle down dressing the vegetables.

 Basil vegetable stack

I did try this yummy recipe, but my presentation wasn’t nearly a professional as Laney’s gorgeous pic above!

My challenge for you Lovely, is to switch up your workout and a recipe for a week or a day. It’s so easy to get in the routine of exercising and eating the same all the time, but this gets boring and your bod is likely to plateau…and your taste buds too!

Leave a comment below if you’ve got some ideas for people to try! 🙂


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