Wow! What a powerhouse this woman is! And man does she speak her mind with utter conviction in every word she says! Marianne is an internationally acclaimed author and lecturer. Her book A Return to Love is considered a must-read of The New Spirituality. Her latest book A Course in Weight Loss was selected by Oprah to be one of her favourite things in 2011. As with Louise, Marianne’s presence was nothing short of complete confidence, elegance and radiance. I wish I took more notes (hadn’t had my morning coffee yet!) as I truly was awe-inspired by everything she had to say. If you’d like to read part 1 before continuing on, please click here.
- We should go into every situation thinking and believing “I am an instrument of divine love, to give and receive love”, rather than thinking “my goal is…” Marianne believes being goal focused is too manipulative.
- We are not mortal beings, we are spiritual beings. We are one.
- If you genuinely have something to say, there’s someone out there who genuinely needs to hear it.
- From her book A Course in Weight Loss, Marianne spoke about how compulsion overrides intelligence. E.g. eating the entire tub of ice-cream when you know it’s not healthy. An excerpt from her book:
You are here to love and be loved, and the soul in its native intelligence knows this. Accept the magnitude of your function, and your reignited spiritual intelligence will spark your body’s intelligence as well. As your mind remembers its natural function, the cells of your body will remember theirs. You will no longer be at the effect of your compulsion. You will become a master at living your life.
- Overeating is a form of self comfort. Instead, start a love affair with food, not an obsessive affair. Stop being violent to yourself.
- No mistakes you have ever made will change the truth of who you are. God and the Universe love us. And this is true for everyone… I absolutely love this!
- In a moment of grace, bad karma is gone. It is important to forgive yourself and others.
- A woman in the audience asked Marianne a question…something to do with money and resentment. One of the things Marianne said was if someone stole money from you and you became furious and expected the money to come back from that person, it will not return to you. Instead, if you trust that the money belongs to you cosmically and will return to you in one way or another, then it will. If you remain in anger instead of love, then the money will not return.
Marianne has studied A Course in Miracles, and referenced it a lot throughout her talk. To learn more about Marianne, visit
Next week I will share some words of happiness, from Dr Robert Holden which will definitely lift your spirits! Then my final post on this topic will be from Deepak Chopra’s talk, including an amazing 30 minute meditation that Deepak took the audience through! You will not want to miss it!
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