My Video Showing You How To Cook Sarah Wilson’s Yummy Pumpkin Pie Recipe!


Pumpkin Pie Ingredients

The crust:
* 2 cups almond or hazelnut meal (or
combination of both, or you can use LSA)
* ¼ cup butter, softened
* 1 teaspoon salt

The filling:
* 3 eggs
* ½ cup rice malt syrup
* 1 ½ cups pumpkin puree
* 1 teaspoon cinnamon
* 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, grated
* ¼ teaspoon each nutmeg and cloves,
* rind of 1 lemon
* 3/4 cup cream
* 1-2 tablespoons arrowroot
* 1 teaspoon salt


Preheat oven to 180C. Combine melted butter, nut meal and salt in a bowl and mix well (I find the base “holds” better the more you work it, releasing the oils in the nuts). Also, I mix in the actual pie dish – no need to use a separate bowl. Press mixture into a 9 inch pie dish – the bottom and sides. If it isn’t quite enough mixture, throw in a bit more of both butter and meal (directly into the dish if you like). Cook for 5-8 minutes until it starts to turn golden. Let the crust cool fully (place in fridge or freezer if you have to). Cream eggs and syrup then blend in the rest of the ingredients. If it’s a bit too runny, add extra arrowroot. It should be a thin custard consistency. Gently pour the filling into the crust and bake for
about 45-55 minutes or until the centre of the pie ‘sets’ (when it starts to crack away from the base a little is a good sign). Remove from the oven and cool completely before putting in fridge.

Don’t be impatient – this pie is much better when it’s properly cooked and looks like a baked custard.
It’s also best when left to cool for a good few hours…and is actually nicer the next day when set fully.
It also works well frozen and thawed just a little! Any leftover pumpkin filling pour into little cups or ramekins to make Pumpkin pie puddings. Cook for about 40 minutes on a lower oven shelf.

To find more of these delectable recipes, make sure you buy Sarah’s I Quit Sugar Cookbook found here.

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  1. says

    Great post and video! This is the same Naz that comments on Sarah’s blog.

    That pie is seriously addictive…. I finished mine in 2 days lol.

    • says

      Thanks Naz! I’ve just been checking out your blog and love it :-). So you’re a Perth girl too I see?! Yes, this pie is so addictive but completely guilt free! Your post on it is fab too x

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