My Top 10 Tips For Optimal Health, Wellness & Leanness

It’s that time of year where lots of us put a fair amount of thought into what we’d like to achieve this year – usually in the areas of health, career, relationships, personal growth and fun. Using this amazing tool created by Leonie Dawson, I’ve worked out what my goals are for my business and […]

2013 Is Here! This Is How I’m Mapping Out My Year (part 2)

A few days a go I wrote the first part of this series. I was pumped to start Leonie Dawson’s 2013 Create Your Incredible Life + Biz Workbooks and Calendars – starting with the biz workbook – and wowee it has been an incredible experience! Biz Workbook & Calendar Leonie is a soulful and very […]

2013 Is Here! This Is How I’m Mapping Out My Year (part 1.)

Wow, it’s January 2013 already! How does everyone feel about that? Has the year kicked off to a great start? Have you had time to sit down and really reflect on the lessons learned and the goals achieved in 2012? And even more importantly, what you’d like to achieve in 2013…your New Year’s resolutions? If […]

My Top 10 Most Read Posts For 2012

Hi Everyone! I hope you all had the most wonderful Christmas Day. I had a lovely day with my family. My sister was able to leave the hospital for the day, which was the best Christmas present to all of us 🙂 On April 11th I launched my blog, Life with Elizabeth Rose. Since that […]

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