Claire Baker is a life-loving holistic health coach and yoga teacher-in-training with a permanent travel bug and zeal for true happiness and healing. Addicted to living authentically with gutsy passion and purpose and helping others to do the same, she digs peppermint tea, medjool dates, a good belly laugh and wearing yoga pants all day.
Come say hi at This is Lifeblood, her online space to share her passions for all things nourishing, spiritual and creative and subscribe to her free weekly love letters.
You can also find her on hanging out on Instagram and Facebook.
Tell us three things about yourself
I’m a believer (in people, potential and possibility), a full-blown chocaholic and a country girl at heart.
What’s been the biggest health challenge you’ve overcome and what did you learn from this experience?
Just before my 18th birthday I was diagnosed with severe liver inflammation; potentially auto-immune hepatitis. I was sick, exhausted, jaundiced, my body was barely able to digest food. I missed months of school. It was very challenging mentally, as well as physically. Instead of taking the route of steroids, antibiotics and and biopsies however I decided to take the holistic path; a diet of whole, cleansing foods, hypnotherapy, kinesiology and a ridiculous amount of fresh veggie juice. And sleep. Within months all my levels were back to normal. I’m so grateful to have learnt at such a young age that food is truly medicine.
What’s your top tip for getting your day off to a great start?
Getting a bloody good night’s sleep. I require 7-8hrs every single night in order to become a functioning, kind and useful human being!
Your brekky usually consist of…
I’m all about pimping my porridge at the moment. I’m giving the gluten-free thing a solid crack so out with the oats and in with the quinoa, millet and chia pudding porridge. Topped with nuts, fruit, coconut cream, cinnamon and honey… So warm, filling, easy and delish.
Which foods do you eat to nourish your body and give you vitality?
Oohh vitality, good word! Nourishment and vitality certainly come in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables. Right now I’m a big fan of super foods such as maca powder, goji berries and bee pollen, oils such as coconut oil and sea vegetables such as wakame – but it really doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. When in doubt, just get those greens in, however you can!
Why is fitness an important part of your life and do you have an exercise routine?
Movement is life and life is movement! When we create more strength, stamina and flexibility in our physical body we add these dimensions to ourselves as a whole. I believe it’s important to be strong and flexible and to have endurance in all aspects of life. To be dynamic. Exercise clears my head and I swear I have the best, most creative ideas when working up a sweat. I even wrote a blog series here explaining how to fall in love exercise and your body.
Honestly though, I don’t have a routine, but I do exercise every day. I used to do a lot of running and gym work, but now I’m loving lots of long walks and yoga. I’ve just started my yoga teacher training too, which is a whole new, exciting path for me.
Your ‘perfect day’ in nutshell would be…
A brisk walk along the beach or some yoga followed by a long, scrumptious cafe breakfast, lots of reading and writing, exploring and laughing. I love cooking and listening to music, so I’d pop a vinyl on my turntable in the afternoon, hit the kitchen (a sneaky glass of red in hand) and whip up a storm for my friends and family to devour together. Then we’d probably play Scategories 🙂
Describe what motivated you to choose your current business or career path?
I’ve been on such a long, windy and sometimes challenging journey to finally get to the point where I’m truly happy with my body, my health and my life as a whole. I am ridiculously motivated to help other women find the same peace within themselves. It wasn’t until I almost lost my younger brother last year in a motorcycle accident though that I finally got the kick up the arse I needed to go after this dream 110%. Life is there to be enjoyed, not endured and it doesn’t last forever. You’ve got to make every day count.
What business or career challenge have you overcome and what one piece of advice would you like to pass on to others?
The fear that there is too much competition in my field of work and constantly comparing myself to everyone else. My advice? Authenticity breeds abundance. Feel the fear, do it anyway and (although we hear it all the time) you’ve just gotta be yourself.
Your favourite book or movie of all time is…
Wayne’s World. I have watched it like 483276 times!
And lastly, do you have a recipe you’d like to share with us?
Sure! My secret to a clear complexion, my Gorgeous Skin Smoothie.
This baby is what I have for breakfast most days. Give it a go. Ditch the diet and just eat (or drink) your greens. I promise you’ll notice a difference in your body and your skin.
You will need:
1 frozen banana
1 cup coconut water
1/4 avocado
1 BIG handful of spinach
1 tbsp coconut cream (optional)
1 tbsp goji berries
1 tsp maca powder
1 tsp spirulina
1 tsp bee pollen
What to do:
Blend spinach and coconut water thoroughly.
Add remaining ingredients, blend well and enjoy! 🙂

Thanks for having me sweetheart! Such an honour xx