Super Charge Your Health


Did you know that from April 7th-13th it was Australian Fitness Week? During this time, all Fitness First clubs around Australia had their doors open to the public, completely free of charge, for people to experience their new innovations, classes and workshops to super charge their health. I’m currently still a personal trainer at Fitness […]

A Snapshot In The Life Of…Claire Baker (holistic health coach, blogger)

Claire Baker is a life-loving holistic health coach and yoga teacher-in-training with a permanent travel bug and zeal for true happiness and healing. Addicted to living authentically with gutsy passion and purpose and helping others to do the same, she digs peppermint tea, medjool dates, a good belly laugh and wearing yoga pants all day. Come […]

Juicing vs Blending: Which Is Better?

This is a much talked about subject! Should you juice and should you blend? My opinion is, do both! Both techniques have their wonderful health benefits and should have a place in your daily/weekly routine. Juicing I think the infographic above does a great job at showing us the differences between the two! The main […]

The Secret Behind Feeling Good And Looking Great Naturally!

We all want to be the best we can be!  To you it might be loosing a few kgs, building some muscle or even just having extra energy so you can get more things done.  By leading a healthy lifestyle, consuming good foods & exercising regularly this is more than possible.  It’s important to be […]

Why Superfoods Are SO Good For you!

If you haven’t already opted-in for my FREE Super Smoothie Collection, this is why you should! My smoothies include ‘superfood’ ingredients! Superfoods are nutrient dense foods packed full of a higher than average concentration of nutrients including – vitamins, proteins, minerals, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, essential amino acids, enzymes, coenzymes and glyconutrients! Woah!

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