This Is Why I Am Single In My Thirties…

  Every now and then (on most days!) I ponder my life – where I’m at now and where I want to be. I do this quite often when I’m driving. There’s something about driving and the solitude that I find very calming and almost meditative. I think A LOT when I drive and also […]

A Snapshot In The Life Of…Rebecca Weller (vegan sparkles founder)

Rebecca Weller is a Holistic Health Coach-in-training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Based in Perth, she writes about love, life, laughter, health, food and vegan adventures on her wellness site, Tell us three things about yourself I’m passionate about health and wellness I’m a little bit goofy! I adore animals What’s been the biggest […]

5 Things I’m Loving Right Now

Happy Thursday my lovelies! Well I certainly had a lot of fun constructing this post yesterday arvo! I hope you enjoy my latest edition of ‘5 Things I’m Loving Right Now’! 🙂 1. Vegan Sparkles delectable Mint Choc Chip Smoothie!   This recipe comes directly from Rebecca Weller’s gorgeous Vegan Sparkles blog. When I saw […]

This Is How You Stop Dieting and Really Get Results!

Guest Post by Malisa Celeste I’m not sure exactly when it came about, but there was a moment in time where I just thought ‘ah-ha’ I’ve got it; everything around me had just fallen into place. I’m surrounded by great friends and a fantastic housemate, I spend my days drinking good coffee, reading nutrition articles and […]

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