Finding Love Again (part 1)

Oh lordy, have I been looking forward to writing this series or what! I’ve been looking forward to it for a couple of reasons. The first one being that it’s just so exciting I’m actually writing that I’m no longer a single girl in my thirties (woo hoo!!). And the second one is because I […]

This Is Why I Am Single In My Thirties…

  Every now and then (on most days!) I ponder my life – where I’m at now and where I want to be. I do this quite often when I’m driving. There’s something about driving and the solitude that I find very calming and almost meditative. I think A LOT when I drive and also […]

My Most Painful Break-Up And How I’m Dealing With Being A Single Girl In My 30s

This is a story about my first true love. It’s a beautiful story that has given me many fond memories, but it is also a sad story. Heart-breaking in fact. This post is for all of those who have loved and lost… Like the plethora of other women in their 30s, I am driven and […]

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