Dating In My Twenties (and what you can learn from me!)

elizabeth rose

Ah, dating. I remember those roller-coaster days of highs & lows only too well. To be honest, I didn’t always enjoy dating, and looking back now (hellooo hindsight!), I wish I’d been more relaxed about it. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely had many memorable dates and experiences in my twenties, but my biggest problem […]

Spring Clean Your Body (part 1)

I love this time of year. Not only for the obvious change in weather, but because spring symbolises new beginnings, a fresh start, a season to blossom and grow, and the perfect time to clean your house – both in the literal sense and the house inside your body. In this 2 part series, I […]

How To Meditate In One Minute (really!)

You know those moments you sometimes have when you really, intuitively, can hear your body, mind or soul telling you softly (yet persistently) that you need to do a certain something? Well, lately I’ve been having those moments. Frequently. In these moments my inner wisdom has been gently urging me to start meditating daily again…and […]

A Snapshot In The Life Of…Michelle Marie McGrath (lovepreneur + self-love mentor)

Michelle Marie McGrath is a Self-love Mentor & Lovepreneur. She coaches women who are committed to having a lifelong, loving relationship with themselves. She has a particular interest in encouraging women who are childless or childfree, to embrace their most loving, unlimited creative potential.  She’s the co-author of “Love and Oneness” alongside luminaries such as Marianne Williamson […]

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