Super Charge Your Health

Did you know that from April 7th-13th it was Australian Fitness Week? During this time, all Fitness First clubs around Australia had their doors open to the public, completely free of charge, for people to experience their new innovations, classes and workshops to super charge their health. I’m currently still a personal trainer at Fitness First in Subiaco, Perth, and really noticed lots of new faces during this period which is fantastic!

As some of you may remember that for the past 3 months, I’ve been writing one post a month in sponsorship with Fitness First. There’s about 15 bloggers around Australia who are participating in spreading the word to #changeforthebest.

This month, we were given an additional $250 to put towards our health & fitness in honour of Australia Fitness Week. Pretty cool, huh?!

I was running pretty low on some superfoods, so decided to put a portion of the money towards buying more bee pollen and cacao to make one of my favourite smoothies…


• 2 cups Almond Milk
• 1 tbsp Coconut Oil
• 1 tbsp Cacao Powder
• 1 tbsp Bee Pollen
• 2 tspn Raw Honey

You can also add a scoop of choc protein powder for an added protein boost post-workout! I love bee pollen as it’s considered by nutritionists to be one of the most complete foods found in nature. It is high in bioavailable protein making it an ideal fuel source. Its high enzyme function means that it is readily absorbed by the body for speed, strength and endurance.


Super Charge Your Health


I also couldn’t resist dropping into Lululemon to buy a new pair of yoga pants and a supported top to train in. Let’s face it, doing exercise in some new workout gear makes exercising a little bit more enjoyable!! 🙂

With Easter now being over, I’m sure you’re wanting to super charge your health (eat many Easter eggs anyone?). Try these tips for some ideas:

  • Get outdoors! Find some stairs to climb, go for a walk or run, try joining a bootcamp
  • Give a juice cleanse a go! Pure Glow Cleanse here in Perth is a great option to try
  • Join Fitness First and pay as you go (no more contracts!). Better still, hire a personal trainer and reap the benefits 🙂
  • Treat yourself to some spunky new athletic wear…you’ll be way more enthusiastic about training. Trust me!
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