A Snapshot In The Life Of…Yvette Gray (makeup artist & beauty writer)

A Snapshot In The Life Of…. Yvette Gray is a Makeup and Hair Artist; Beauty Writer; Makeup and Grooming Presenter and Coach.  Her passion for the fashion, beauty and grooming industries were evident from a very young age and now extends to over 23 years experience.  In 1995 she shifted her focus from the catwalk […]

A Snapshot In The Life Of…Kym Jakovich (founder of FLIGHT organic skincare)

A Snapshot In The Life Of…   Kym Jakovich lives with the philosophy that beauty starts from within. Everything we eat & drink affects our mind, body and spirit. FLIGHT skincare became a reality when Kym realized that one of the most toxic elements in a woman’s daily routine is their skincare products. With over […]

A Snapshot In The Life Of…Kat Loterzo (author, blogger, speaker)

Kat Loterzo is a best-selling international author, speaker, entrepreneur and the creator of the Look Great Naked series of books and online bootcamps. Kat’s mission is to inspire, motivate and empower you to create the body of your dreams and ultimately to create and live the life of your dreams. Visit www.katloterzo.com for your free […]

A Snapshot In The Life Of…Rachel MacDonald (blogger + coach)

Rachel MacDonald is a life and blog coach and creator of In Spaces Between, an inspiration-packed site for women seeking big, beautiful, completely fulfilling lives. Her blog is one of my favourites at the moment! Living in a perpetual state of gratitude and joy, Rachel weaves that same electric energy into her work with one-on-one […]

A Snapshot In The Life Of…Tim Neal (personal trainer & founder of the 365 project)

Tim is a fitness and fat loss expert and has been in the health & fitness industry for nearly a decade, as a bootcamp instructor, personal trainer, mentor, presenter and founder of the 365 Project. Coming from a strength & conditioning background he is a Certified ASCA Strength & Conditioning coach and has worked with some […]

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