My Thoughts On Goal Setting For 2013

Goal setting is one of those things you either love doing, don’t bother with or procrastinate the sh*t over! Are you one of those people that kinda thinks in your head about the goals you’d like to set out and achieve but don’t put thoughts to paper or make a measurable action plan? Me too! […]

Is Eating Fruit Really That Bad?

Today’s post is my answer to a readers two questions to me…I did attempt to answer this via a vlog, but it became a bit too technical and long and I couldn’t remember everything I wanted to tell you, so after about 10 takes (and a lot of swearing!) I gave up and wrote it […]

7 Tips On How To Beat The Bulge Over Christmas!

I’m already feeling a bit of panic in the air! Some clients of mine heading away over the Xmas/New Year period have sheepishly said to me “I’m going to need your help in the new year!” Does this sound like you? Have you already hit the internal panic button because you think that all your […]

Fat Flush With Water!

Today’s great guest post, is another awesome video by fitness and fat-loss expert, Tim Neal. Tim is the founder of the 365 Project – A Kick Ass Fit Tip For You Everyday! Subscribe HERE for free daily fit tips! We all know the importance of drinking H20…but are you drinking enough? In this short vid, […]

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