How To Prevent The Winter Bulge And Common Cold!

This post may be a couple of months late for those of you in the southern hemisphere, but hey, better late than never ;-)! Does your weight generally go up in the cooler months? Do you struggle to get motivated to train and eat well when you’d prefer to stay warm under your covers and […]

The Secret Behind Feeling Good And Looking Great Naturally!

We all want to be the best we can be!  To you it might be loosing a few kgs, building some muscle or even just having extra energy so you can get more things done.  By leading a healthy lifestyle, consuming good foods & exercising regularly this is more than possible.  It’s important to be […]

7 Lessons Learned From A Recent Tragic Event (life can really suck sometimes)

As some of you already know from my updates on my profile page on Facebook, 2 weeks ago my beautiful sister, Candice, slipped and fell from a balcony landing head first into a garden bed. It’s a miracle she survived and we’re just so grateful we still have her! Candi suffered a lot of swelling […]

Superwoman Complex…Does This Sound Like You?

Today’s post is a guest post by Kat Loterzo. Kat is an author, speaker and entrepreneur and the creator of The Dream Life Project. Visit Kat at her blog and sign up for free blog tips on nutrition, fat loss and motivation, plus receive your free copy of Kat’s blueprint guide ‘The Truth About […]

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