A Snapshot In The Life Of…Vanessa Millar (body-love coach)

vanessa millar

Vanessa Millar is a Body-Love Coach + Yoga Teacher + Holistic Health Coach + Reiki Practitioner on a mission to help women find acceptance, connection and love, in their own skin. Vanessa has experienced her own personal struggles with body-image, self-esteem and emotional eating, leading her through periods of anxiety, depression, bulimia and binge eating. Having made an inspiring recovery, despite facing some incredibly heart-breaking challenges, she feels blessed to be able to share everything she knows and everything she has learned with women, just like her, all over the world.

Ultimate Mid Year Fitness & Health GIVEAWAY!


Yay, it’s GIVEAWAY time again! I absolutely adore doing giveaway’s for you lovely people – I only wish everyone could be a winner! Keep reading to find out what the giveaways are and how you can enter gorgeous one.

Introvert vs Extrovert (which one are you?)


Holy moly, did I resonate with Sarah Wilson’s blog post about why introverts just can’t handle you…sometimes or what! Every couple of sentences I was nodding my head agreeing with everything she was saying. You see, I belong to the same club as Sarah and many others belong to… Hello, my name is Elizabeth Rose […]

7 Tips To Get Fit & Healthy In Winter

elizabeth rose

I’m going to let you in on a little secret my friends…a secret that has been serving me and my clients very well and something that will change the way you think about your body when summer rolls around again and you get your bikini or summer dress out for the first time! Wanna know what it is? Continue on reading to find out.

How I Think Myself Slim

How I Think Myself Thin

Without fail, all the times in my life when I’m at my ‘happy weight’ and think myself slim with ease, are always been when I’m not obsessing over my weight as I’m in a space of love not fear. The second I let fear take over by criticising my body, scrutinizing over what I’m eating, […]

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