How To Know You’re Dating A Real Man

couple in love

This post is likely to stir up some opinions! I was chatting to a male friend of mine recently about my string of bad luck in the dating game. In the past 12 months I’ve dated a few different men, 3 of them being guys I could see myself having a relationship with. For various […]

My Whirlwind Romance With A German Pilot (part 2)

If you missed part 1 of this little love story of mine, you might like to get the low down first by clicking here. Once I booked my ticket there was no turning back! The other models I was living with in Manila couldn’t believe I was flying to a country I’d never been to […]

My Whirlwind Romance With A German Pilot! (part 1.)

Okay, it’s time for another true story of mine…another ‘love’ story! My post about My Most Painful Break-Up And How I’m Dealing With Being A Single Girl In My 30s, connected with so many of you! I had a girl email me recently asking for more stories on love, so here’s one from the archives! […]

How I’m Learning To Trust The Universe…Even When Sh*t Happens!

Do you trust in the Uni-verse? Do you believe that the Universe has a plan for you? I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently. I’ve been thinking, “okay Universe, you’ve dished out some pretty shitty cards recently…isn’t it time to start sending me some outrageously positive ones now?! What lesson/s do I still need […]

L.O.V.E. why it’s so important to me

L.O.V.E. The single most important emotion out there, has gotta be love. Loving someone, loving yourself, feeling love from another and loving things give us that warm, tingly, deliriously happy feeling. Without love we are often lonely and unhappy…chasing a feeling, an emotion that makes us all feel whole again. Being In Love… Oh how […]

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