Finding Love Again (part 2)

Welcome to part two of my lovely love story :-). If you’ve missed the first one, you might like to get up to speed by reading it here before continuing on. This post was published April 2014. As I mentioned in part 1, Gavey pursued me for six months before something clicked inside of me […]

Finding Love Again (part 1)

Oh lordy, have I been looking forward to writing this series or what! I’ve been looking forward to it for a couple of reasons. The first one being that it’s just so exciting I’m actually writing that I’m no longer a single girl in my thirties (woo hoo!!). And the second one is because I […]

My Whirlwind Romance With A German Pilot (part 2)

If you missed part 1 of this little love story of mine, you might like to get the low down first by clicking here. Once I booked my ticket there was no turning back! The other models I was living with in Manila couldn’t believe I was flying to a country I’d never been to […]

L.O.V.E. why it’s so important to me

L.O.V.E. The single most important emotion out there, has gotta be love. Loving someone, loving yourself, feeling love from another and loving things give us that warm, tingly, deliriously happy feeling. Without love we are often lonely and unhappy…chasing a feeling, an emotion that makes us all feel whole again. Being In Love… Oh how […]

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