A Snapshot In The Life Of…Emily Ehlers (holistic lifestyle coach, blogger)

Emily Ehlers

Emily is a Holistic Lifestyle Coach, copywriter, graphic designer, wellness junkie and barefoot bandit. She is the fair-haired maiden behind Emily Ehlers. She has a love of the planet and an unhealthy preoccupation with sloths. Her passion lies in helping magnificent women around the world to unleash their amazing – to get rid of anxiety and […]

A Little Bit Of Hard Truth (you might not like this post!)

Yesterday I came across a blog post shared on Facebook…you may have seen it on my Facebook page. I’m pretty sure this post has gone viral. And so it should! It’s an eye-opener. It’s the hard truth. And sadly, It’s reality. The post is entitled “The World Is Fucking Insane”. Great title. It was written […]

A Snapshot In The Life Of Saroj (prana beauty salon owner)

Prana Beauty

Saroj completed a BA (Hons.) in Psychology at the University of Delhi and lived for many years in London, raising two young boys whilst her husband ran a highly respected personal training health club. Luckily for us, she and her family eventually moved to Western Australia and after diploma studies with the Australasian Academy of […]

Why Women Want To Have The ‘Thigh Gap’ (part 3)

As I wrote in part 1 of this series, attaining a thigh gap has come up quite a bit in the media recently. When I was very young there was a bit of fuss around this topic amongst the girls in my class, but since grade 5 I’ve probably only thought about the thigh gap […]

A Snapshot In The Life Of…Andrea Hui (business owner, fitness coach)

Andrea is the co-founder of Ultimate You Fitness, a leading health club in Melbourne, Australia. As a business owner, fitness coach and passionate advocate of holistic health and nutrition, Andrea is dedicated to helping others improve their lifestyles through education, training and application. After years of contemplating, she made the decision to be a coach […]

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