5 Ways You Can Meet Mr Right (online dating + tinder not included!)

5 ways you can meet your soul mate

Are you single and over online dating and tinder? I don’t blame you! That’s not to say you can’t meet Mr Right (aka soul mate) using these services, but if it has’t worked out for you so far, you’d probably love some other ideas! Here are 5 ways you can meet Mr Right… 1. At […]

Why Gut Health Is SO Important (especially during pregnancy)

why gut health is so important during pregnancy

Hey gorgeous If you’re interested in gut health, feeling amazing, your health in general PLUS are pregnant or thinking of getting pregnant soon, this post is a must read… Like loads of people, for many years now I’ve had issues with my gut. It started at the age of 17 when I was working in […]

7 Steps To a Self-Loving Life

self love

Do you ever feel as though you’re your own worst enemy at times? Like if you could just give yourself a break and speak kindly to yourself, your world would be infinitely brighter? Me too. When I really stop and think about it, it seems strange to me that I’d occasionally have negative thoughts about […]

5 Tell-Tale Signs You’re Dating THE RIGHT Man

loving couple

I know you’ve been there – those times in your life when you’ve dated someone through infatuated-goggle-eyes. You (deep down) know he’s not the right man for you but you’re too caught up in the lust and attraction to look beyond it and into the things that truly count for a successful relationship. Your friends […]

I’m A Certified Beautiful You Life Coach (plus lots of pics!)

Beautiful You Life Coach

On November 23rd up on the beautiful Gold Coast and surrounded by inspirational women, I became a certified Beautiful You Life Coach and I couldn’t be happier! Becoming a life coach has been on my mind for quite a long time. In fact, the first time I entertained the thought was even before I became […]

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