I Finally Made Some DIY Cleaning Products!

DIY cleaning products

This has been one of those things I’ve been wanting to do for ages but just never got around to it…until now! Making some DIY cleaning products really isn’t difficult at all, and is kinda fun and creative, and super awesome for your health. Here’s why… Your standard cleaning products found at the supermarket contain […]

Ultimate Mid Year Fitness & Health GIVEAWAY!


Yay, it’s GIVEAWAY time again! I absolutely adore doing giveaway’s for you lovely people – I only wish everyone could be a winner! Keep reading to find out what the giveaways are and how you can enter gorgeous one.

7 Tips To Get Fit & Healthy In Winter

elizabeth rose

I’m going to let you in on a little secret my friends…a secret that has been serving me and my clients very well and something that will change the way you think about your body when summer rolls around again and you get your bikini or summer dress out for the first time! Wanna know what it is? Continue on reading to find out.

Super Charge Your Health


Did you know that from April 7th-13th it was Australian Fitness Week? During this time, all Fitness First clubs around Australia had their doors open to the public, completely free of charge, for people to experience their new innovations, classes and workshops to super charge their health. I’m currently still a personal trainer at Fitness […]

Liz Loves (floatation therapy)

Elizabeth Rose in floatation tank

I had a pretty cool experience a couple of days ago. I went to Beyond Rest in Perth, to have a floatation tank therapy experience! It lasted for a full 60 minutes and was a very relaxing & intriguing experience! When I arrived at reception I immediately felt a sense of calm. There were lots […]

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