The Second Trimester of Pregnancy

What an absolute joy it is being pregnant – such a surreal and sacred experience that’s constantly evolving and delighting as the journey progresses. In this post, I share all the highlights and notables from weeks 14-27. If you haven’t read my first trimester post, head on over here to read about my experiences and insights. (25 […]

The First Trimester of Pregnancy

I’ve been really excited about writing this first instalment of my pregnancy series…the first trimester of pregnancy! It feels like it wasn’t that long ago I was blogging about the heartache of my miscarriage. I truly feel so blessed that I fell pregnant again after my next cycle following the miscarriage. I know there’s so […]

5 Ways To Boost Self-Care During The Silly Season

Ah, Christmas. How I love you! It’s such a fun and meaningful time of year filled with so much goodness…and indulgence. If you’re someone who tends to get a little too relaxed during this time, regretting it in the new year, here are some ways to boost self-care during the silly season so you can […]

7 Ways To Create Self-Care Into Your Life

You know, self-care is one of those things (like self-love) that often gets thrown around like a hot potato – it touches your thoughts briefly before being tossed away into the I’ll-do-something-about-it-later volt. Are you nodding your noggin in agreeance? It’s a bit of a conundrum, isn’t it? Pushing something aside that you know will be […]

My Miscarriage Heartache

5 weeks ago today, my body sadly began the process of a miscarriage…I was 6 weeks pregnant and full of lofty dreams, excitement and anticipation of a growing belly. This is one of those personal posts where the writer (me) contemplates – hard – about whether or not to hit the publish button and release […]

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