So…What Exactly Is A Life Coach?

On the surface, hiring a life coach may seem a tad over the top and self-indulgent. You may even be wondering if there’s many people out there who actually use this service. I mean…what exactly is a life coach anyway? A Beautiful You Certified Life Coach such as myself, will be your biggest cheerleader. We […]

How To Open Your Heart In A New Relationship

It’s not always easy to open your heart and be vulnerable in a new relationship…especially if your heart has been broken in the past. It’s a natural reaction to want to protect your heart to evade further emotional pain. So you close it off with a protective wall so you don’t have to feel emotions […]

7 Ways To De-Stress And Flow More

stressed out woman

Stress – what a little bugger it can be! On one hand its necessary for getting your butt into gear, but on the other hand if it becomes a regular occurrence and leads to bouts of anxiety, insomnia, depression, isolation, digestive issues or illness – well, that’s your beautiful body sending you strong signs that […]

This Is How I Live A Healthy Holistic Lifestyle (part 2)

yoga on the beach

In part 1 of this series, I focused on how to make lasting lifestyle changes. This is a key ingredient to living a healthy, holistic lifestyle, which encompasses your belief, body and bliss (aka mind, body and soul). Now I’m going to share with you exactly what I do and the areas I focus on […]

This Is How I Live A Healthy Holistic Lifestyle (part 1)

living a lasting healthy lifestyle

Something I am super passionate about is helping women live a healthy, holistic lifestyle through my coaching , blog posts, newsletters and personal training. Nothing beats feeling healthy, right? It completely changes the way we feel about ourselves and this has a domino effect on everything else in our life from our relationships, careers/ businesses, confidence levels […]

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