Business & Mindset Interview With Kat Loterzo (part 2.)

Last week I posted the first half of an extremely informative interview I did with Kat Loterzo (formerly known as Kat Eden) on business and mindset. If you missed it, you can get up to speed here before watching the second half. I filmed these interviews last year, and I have to say, looking back […]

Business & Mindset Interview With Kat Loterzo (part 1.)

The following two videos are interviews I did with Kat Loterzo (Kat is now going by her married name – many of you would know her as Kat Eden). These interviews were filmed last year about 5 months after Kat launched her second blog, Woman Incredible, and are about business & mindset and Kat’s business […]

My Video Showing You How To Cook Sarah Wilson’s Yummy Pumpkin Pie Recipe!

  Pumpkin Pie Ingredients The crust: * 2 cups almond or hazelnut meal (or combination of both, or you can use LSA) * ¼ cup butter, softened * 1 teaspoon salt The filling: * 3 eggs * ½ cup rice malt syrup * 1 ½ cups pumpkin puree * 1 teaspoon cinnamon * 1 tablespoon […]

Personal Trainer On How To Overcome Adversity Part 2.

Today’s post is part two of an interview I did with personal trainer, Travis Jones. If you haven’t watched the first one, you can do so here. In this video TJ talks about his biggest challenge being time management, and how he only sleeps 2 hours a day! Yes you read that right! It’s called […]

Personal Trainer On How To Overcome Adversity Part 1.

Want to be inspired? Then watch this video of me interviewing Melbourne based personal trainer, Travis Jones, and be inspired by his story! TJ used to play professional Rugby League until he was struck down with a life threatening disease called meningococcal. TJ was in intensive care for three months, flat-lined four times and had […]

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