Want To Get Lean? Watch This Vid And Learn Which Foods To Eat!

Today’s fantastic guest post, is a video by fitness and fat-loss expert, Tim Neal. Tim is the founder of the 365 Project – A Kick Ass Fit Tip For You Everyday! Subscribe HERE for free daily fit tips!

I’ve know Tim for 5 years now and I’ve gotta tell ya, he’s one of the best fitness professionals I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing and working with! Tim was even my personal trainer a few years ago in Melbourne! Not only has Timmy got a wealth of knowledge in health & fitness, he’s also a very passionate mentor and presenter who just happens to be one of the nicest, most genuine blokes I’ve ever met!

I’m absolutely loving this video of his below, as it sums up my food philosophy to a T! And what better way of explaining the best foods to eat for optimal health and fat-loss, than by showing it to you! Enjoy and get shopping! 😉



“Tim is a fitness and fat loss expert and has been in the health & fitness industry for nearly a decade as a bootcamp instructor, personal trainer, mentor and presenter. He is a Certified ASCA Strength & Conditioning coach and has worked with some of the industry leaders on functional exercise. After playing Rugby League for 20 years and representing at a national level his focus has now turned to learning the most up to date nutritional practices available. He has a huge passion and drive for helping others get the most out of life.”

ps. Remember to head over to timneal.com.au and join the 365 Project, A Kick Ass Fit Tip for You Everyday direct to your inbox.
Got a lot out of this vid? Why not share it with your friends and leave a comment below 🙂
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