How To Get A Rocking Bikini Body For Summer!

bikini body

Summer is upon us…yay! Like a lot of people, warm weather makes me giddy with happiness! I just love feeling the warm sun on my skin, balmy nights, dips in the ocean, no jackets at night (hallelujah!), summer dresses, cute bikinis, open air cinemas, Sunday sessions, outdoor training, bbq’s with friends, glowing skin, sunsets over […]

Want To Get Lean? Watch This Vid And Learn Which Foods To Eat!

Today’s fantastic guest post, is a video by fitness and fat-loss expert, Tim Neal. Tim is the founder of the 365 Project – A Kick Ass Fit Tip For You Everyday! Subscribe HERE for free daily fit tips! I’ve know Tim for 5 years now and I’ve gotta tell ya, he’s one of the best […]

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