How I’m Learning To Trust The Universe…Even When Sh*t Happens!

Do you trust in the Uni-verse? Do you believe that the Universe has a plan for you? I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently. I’ve been thinking, “okay Universe, you’ve dished out some pretty shitty cards recently…isn’t it time to start sending me some outrageously positive ones now?! What lesson/s do I still need […]

The Truth About Fat: The Good And The Bad Revealed

Are You Still Afraid Of Eating Fat? Since the 1950’s we’ve been told to eat a diet low in fat…or even fat-free to avoid increased cholesterol levels, heart disease and obesity…because, you know, eating fat must make you fat…right? Wrong! Still to this day in supermarkets all over the world, you will find a plethora […]

My Acting/Modelling Journey And Why I Became A Personal Trainer (part 1)

elizabeth rose body image

Back In The Day… I was a bit of a performer growing up, always doing impersonations of my family and performing in school plays. I always dreamed of being an actress so when I was 12 years old, my Mum took me to an audition for a 5 year theatre arts scholarship at John Curtin […]

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